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Everything posted by GreatWhiteNorth

  1. Don't be so sure. I'm a bit surprised that a post from some dummy like 'jross' would affect your opinion in any way.
  2. I agree 100%. Criminals need to be prosecuted. Violent criminals even more vigorously. We need a zero-tolerance policy for carjacking and home invasion. Zero. I don't care about any criminal's race, religion, or creed. No excuses. Would-be criminals need to know, beyond any doubt, that they will be going to jail if they choose violent crime.
  3. No. The whole Hunter Biden thing is over promoted political bullshit. There's no crazy laptop containing nuclear codes or anything even remotely close. Just political fiction designed to manipulate people to get them fired up. Same thing as the Hilary email server. Nothing real. Its fiction designed to manipulate voters. Yes. Thanks in large part to the use of the internet by criminals, crime has gotten to be over-the-top crazy. And all of it is accessible to children. Unfortunately, they are too young (aka stupid) to know better. And boom goes the dynamite. Why gun laws keep getting more lenient is beyond me. Kids and guns - we've got to keep them separated.
  4. So focused on their own little soap operas that they disregard their job. They don't forget their job; they just don't care. Petty BS bickering on twitter got Trump into the White House by keeping his name in the headlines, they are just following that blueprint. Big mouth, loud comments, yet nothing of value to contribute. It shouldn't work, but the sheeple that somehow (thanks Fox News) consider themselves informed fall for it all day long.
  5. We get it. You point your finger at the D's every chance you get. Go team Fox News, I guess. Just more R vs D venting that maybe makes you feel like you are right but helps nobody.
  6. No, no. Not at all. The "sear" is what creates the Maillard reaction and makes for the incredible flavor. (If it was just for color, we'd all be boiling meat rather than bothering to grill it.)
  7. The PHI looters should be arrested and jailed like any and all other criminals. This crap has to stop. Why would you suggest otherwise? Are you trying to be sarcastic - because you think it's funny? What's wrong with you?
  8. True story. As a rookie in NO for my 1st Mardi gras, I attempted to pick up some beads off the street. I was stopped immediately by my college buddy hosts. Nope. Don't even think about touching anything off Bourbon Street. It's all toxic trash (much like Bigbrog's posts.)
  9. You do realize you're (mildly) insulting all of the democrats in the country by using that word, right? Name calling and showing blatant disrespect toward 100+ million people you never met. Not a genius move. It's no wonder we are engaged in a dumb political party war where the country loses, while the political dummies argue like children. Our politicians can't even keep the government from shutting down. Just like children.
  10. Truth be told. You are a dick. (One who can't figure out how to spell "thou") But I'm only referring to you. Clearly not the same as calling half the country the same thing, figure it out dipshit.
  11. In true mat fashion, this thread proves what a bunch of goofballs we are here. I like it. Ban is fine. But that doesn't stop the parade. I feel like I'm in New Orleans. Someone, throw me some beads.
  12. Calling a group of people names - when those people constitute roughly half of the US population (~160 million) just doesn't seem like something an intelligent person would do. I don't get it. Why? There is nothing to win or accomplish by doing that. These are our fellow citizens and none of us will get ahead if we continue to spend our efforts bickering between ourselves rather than working to support those who pursue actual useful change. We are stronger as a country when we are together than when we are separated. If you want to be piss around being anti-US, that is your choice.
  13. That right there is a douche waffle post. (By douche waffle, I do mean morons using dumb online AI to write their posts.)
  14. None of the above are dangerous, they have been sufficiently neutered. You, jross, on the other hand. You're an anger monger. That isn't a good thing. You seem intent on trying to stir people up for no good reason. You're not dangerous, just "disgusting." I forgot the answer you gave me the last time; what country are you from?
  15. That's kind of like saying that cheeseheads aren't smart. It's not that you're wrong, it's just that you aren't right. It's too broad an accusation to be able to back up.
  16. Don't forget the 3rd argument you made about "whiny <political party>" It's the super dumb one where you think it's a good idea to post condescendingly to roughly half the US population. That one. Why bird brains seem to think that having half the US fighting against the other half is a good idea, I'll never know. Here's a hint - the US is stronger if we focus on working together instead of fighting against each other. Strength is something we may need going forward in these uncertain times.
  17. Well, let me think... Hmmm... You're acting like a dick. Why don't you just say whatever it is you have to say? Doesn't seem to be that difficult.
  18. All suspected thieves need to be arrested and tried for their alleged crimes. All of them. That is how justice works. There is no R justice or D justice - just the one.
  19. It's theft. As much as you may want to make this a political argument in some way shape or form for more arguing. No R vs D here. Just theft.
  20. More crazy talk doesn't improve your previous crazy talk. It's more cumulative in that way. (So... more crazy.)
  21. Now we know who the poster is who has the least measurable filter. (And, conversely, is the one who may well need a filter the most.)
  22. I run into TV news people in Minneapolis (and St. Paul) routinely - also writers and editors from the local newspapers. Good people that live here as neighbors and are doing their jobs for both their paycheck and their community. Journalism isn't gone - it's alive and well. It just hasn't extended into the internet. Much more fraud on the internet than journalism. And it doesn't help that Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, etc. have teams of fraudsters paid to post anti-US garbage all day every day. You made a really good point earlier. "Consider the source." That point, too, is alive and well. Much more than ever.
  23. It seems that maybe some are less interested in actual truth and justice, and more interested in matters of popularity.
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