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Everything posted by GreatWhiteNorth

  1. What would you witness? You'd have an actual physical experience at George Floyd Square with real people there. Then - you might think twice about posting on the internet like some dumb ass who's never been there.
  2. Tucker Carlson is a shit stain on what modern news needs to be. So... umm... nicely done (but maybe rethink your friends.)
  3. I live 1-2 miles away from George Floyd Square... don't believe every internet video you see. It's not a bad place. Jross, how about we meet for coffee at the square? You'll experience a real "must watch". Not some internet BS.
  4. You seem to be confident in your way of thinking. That's OK. Mine very much differ from yours. That's OK, too. You believe your way and I'll believe mine. And... listen carefully... THAT is exactly the most fundamental concept of what it means to be American.
  5. ... and they should be counted. irish, Scottish, and German All very different people, with very different cultures. Unless you have some preconception about skin color being the major factor, you should see all of these as distinctly different groups. Consider that if you categorize by skin color first, then some would say that makes you a racist.
  6. hiccup... ahem... Foster Brooks here and I... <burp>... tell ya' I never met A'ron Brooks and nev'r seen.. nev'r ...met... 'em. i'm for sumthin' for everybody adults children morons an degenerates... A'aron and NHS too bet you nev'r thought ya'd see me here... but an ol broad i used to mess around with... she drop'd me off... then left... ...furthermore... muslim cotton ... loose as ruth buzzi at a wedding... and that was her wedding <erp> A'aron maybe on to something - gotta get back to work thank you madam chairman...
  7. Contrary to what others have posted, this is a legit question. Since Hamas was elected in 2006 there haven't been elections. But the question is "Why?" Did Hamas clamp down and crush the rights of the people of Gaza after their election? Did the Gazans support their government, just as the Russians do? The current Gaza/Israel conflict has been in the 24/7 news cycle for quite some time now. The media is digging deep and struggling to find more to report on this hot topic... YET, we have not heard a single demand in the endless media reporting from Gazans for free and fair elections. None. Zero. What we have seen is many Gaza citizens openly celebrate the 10/7 Hamas attack on Israel. Anti-Israel groups are lying to us. Plain and simple. The Gazans largely support Hamas, just as they largely celebrated the 10/7 attack on Israel. They do not seek free and fair elections - of course not, they despise western democracy. Where Gazans start and Hamas ends, and vice-versa, is as shady as where hospitals start and terrorists end and vice-versa in the region.
  8. "Smut" is kind of an old school word. Just for clarification, would it include this? Seems like a nice enough gal to me.
  9. Almost like there's a song in there somewhere...
  10. For those that don't know FanOfPurdueWrestling, here's a quick pic:
  11. If you (or anyone else) have ideas, I am listening!
  12. Gable's flips are crazy high amplitude. Dake used to do backflips, too. But nothing like Gable. A standing backflip isn't as difficult as some may think. It's more about technique than athletic ability. The straight back and arm swing make it pretty easy. I was surprised to find that out when a HS gymnast friend showed me. So, this gymnast gal, so super-hot, she finished gymnastics practice about the same time wrestling practice finished and we bumped into each other in the hallway outside the wrestling room. We start talking about gymnastics and next thing I know we're back in the wrestling room and she's teaching me how to do a standing backflip. She's got to spot me, so she's a little handsy. I didn't complain. Success - it wasn't that difficult. I thank her, we chat a bit then call it a day. Shut the lights back off and then... we wander a bit around the dark wrestling room. Wait - what was I talking about?
  13. Gophers win it 37-3. The bet was that Bucknell would keep it within 30... so I narrowly win that one.
  14. What the heck does Tabor weigh right now?
  15. Sounds like you're having a few tablespoons of some other sauce...
  16. Notable that it is priced at $11/mo with no (incredibly dumb) annual commitment. Others should learn from ESPN+
  17. As you said, you don't know why. But maybe choose to not denigrate a man for his decisions when you don't know why. That's bad form.
  18. I can relate. Sending all the positive vibes I've got. Keep steady, try to be the best you can be, and the rest is in god's hands. Thanks for sharing.
  19. Oooohhh... Gus with the high-end MEATER temp probe! And working it with an impressively done shoulder. If we ever get to competition (which seems inevitable), watch out for Gus. If not a favorite, he's a sleeper pick.
  20. The Palestinian civilians will be OK. As long as they don't tolerate terrorists hiding among them. It would be a good time for civilians to start to stand up against the tyrannical Hamas if they find them in their midst on the journey south. If they do not want to continue to be abused by their own government, at some point they will have to stand up on their own. Nobody else can do that for them. They must do it for themselves. Israel isn't their enemy. I hope for nothing but the best for them in a time where the future doesn't look bright.
  21. You call civilian hostage taking "strategic" - it's not strategic, it's disgusting and sub-human. The work of barbaric animals, not of civilized people. If you're going to comment on something as horrific as hostage taking - maybe at least pretend you have a heart.
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