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Everything posted by GreatWhiteNorth

  1. It isn't fine. I didn't say that. Learn how to utilize logic and stop posting like a bozo.
  2. We "justify it?" Do we? I don't think so. Think again. Ethnic cleansing is the exact, and openly stated, goal of Hamas. It has unfolded right before our eyes. Israel has refused to justify it - and instead committed to putting a stop to ethnic cleansing. Israel has committed to Hamas elimination. Not any type of ethnic cleansing. If you missed the point I made about land changing hands over the course of generations all over the world on a routine basis (which is an observation, not a justification) - and instead stubbornly insist that it doesn't apply to this one piece of land because "you said so"... Then, our discussion has nowhere further to go. We just disagree.
  3. What's my point? Read my last post... the point is crystal clear. Trump invited more conflict with Iran.
  4. Fair points. Good thing this isn't a court of law. My opinion hasn't changed - Trump has always been a criminal and will always be one. And he'll always receive 'political hit jobs' because that's who he is, and he deserves everything coming his way.
  5. I don't know Uncle Bernard, but he posts like an angry child. Therefore, per Sherlock Holmes advice, my guess is that he's an angry child. ... which is fine, kids are welcome here too.
  6. Don't forget that Trump was the president who decided to assassinate an Iranian top military commander, although being advised against it by basically everyone in the US intelligence and political community due to potential increased instability in the region. If you think what's been happening since then isn't linked to that specific move... maybe think again.
  7. Yet not capable of pushing a snowplow. Lightnings aren't work trucks.
  8. Native Americans lived in what is now the US for thousands of years, too. Many examples of this. And also, many examples of land changing hands multiple times in decades time. What has happened in recently in Gaza/Palestine isn't new to the world - it's a repeat of what's happened many times in history in many locations. The idea that what is happening there is unique is part of the problem, not part of the solution. That was a weak post.
  9. Now the scope has increased to include countries that have been awful to each other in the last thousand years. If you are serious, this may be both interesting and educational. What is happening in Gaza right now will only a blip on that timeline.
  10. Except it doesn't. Only one of the two believes in a two-state solution, which allows them to live in harmony. That's Israel. Only one of the two believes the other must be eradicated, and no other options exist. That's Hamas. It does NOT cut both ways. You're letting your emotions overpower your ability to reason. You're usually a solid poster, but your reasoning here is weak.
  11. Nope. Not definitely, and not even at all. That's your imagination (and a bad call.) If Willie had said he wanted to have them forcibly removed, then it would be ethnic cleansing. He's merely speculating on the result of Palestinians choosing to move to the West Bank. As to how the move occurs, he hasn't posted a single thing. That's left up to your imagination.
  12. At the end of the day: Hamas is in the business of ethnic cleansing - their goal is to destroy all Israelis. Hamas are modern-day Nazi bastards. Israel is only targeting Hamas in self-defense, not Palestinian civilians. They have no intention of ethnic cleansing. Only seeking to keep themselves safe.
  13. Don't be a puke. Watch video from 10/7 and realize that killing men, women, teen and children civilians is awful and despicable. And realize they aren't lies. Get over the part about "ethnic cleansing" - Israel isn't forcing any Palestinians to leave Gaza. They are just dealing with Hamas in the only way they be dealt with. If you still have a problem with Willie and his perspective - take it up with him. I'm not defending him, and he's more than capable of defending himself.
  14. Listen dumpster fire, we all know how to use google and wikipedia. You are obviously not a legitimate, informed, intelligent, responsible poster. You have made it clear you are a pro-terrorism wacko. We get it, you're an awful human being. Do us all a favor and give it a rest.
  15. More twisted BS from you. If you want to talk about what was left out... The biggest thing that was left out here was the atrocities that Hamas committed on 10/7. The very reason all of this is happening right now. Don't try to disconnect the two - they are forever connected.
  16. Except it's not. Read carefully and with your bias in your pocket. Willie uses the modifier "mildly stable" - he's not saying there is "only way." He also mentions Palestinians transitioning to other muslim nations - at no point did he mention anything about "forcible removal." That part was all you. You seem to be injecting your own little dialog parts to change what was originally posted. That's bad form - it's the kind of thing weasels do. Don't be a weasel.
  17. Where did I say that Israeli will "forcibly remove 2 million Palestinians from their land"? I never said that. What I said was:
  18. You've got it all wrong in that post. Hamas is in the business of ethnic cleansing - their goal is to destroy all Israelis. Hamas are the modern-day Nazi bastards. Israel is only targeting Hamas in self-defense, not Palestinian civilians. They have no intention of ethnic cleansing. Only seeking to keep themselves safe.
  19. Not at all, his post doesn't promote "pro ethnic cleansing." You're trying to twist facts, and that is pathetic. If you don't have reality on your side, better to bow out. Trying to warp reality to fit ongoing nonsense posts is a waste of all of our time, including you.
  20. I appreciate your post, you've convinced me. As you said, Hamas will always kill Israelis in terrorist attacks because Israelis live where they currently live. So, yes, Israel 100% needs to remove Hamas from their position of authority in Gaza. There is no other logical option. This is purely dictated by logic, not from taking sides. The best we can hope for is for the number of casualties to be minimized. Especially civilians.
  21. I expect Trump will suddenly claim that he 'never liked him', 'hardly knew him', and 'didn't really interact with him at all.' That poor past President - seems somehow, he's always the innocent victim. The billionaire who just can't catch a break. I'm sure trailer courts across the country are donating to fund their favorite billionaire's legal fees. What a sight to behold.
  22. That's where your logic fails you. The concept of proportional response applies to ongoing conflicts. Gaza shoots some rockets into Israel, then Israel responds by shooting some rockets into Gaza. Mostly military targets. The level of casualties is roughly the same and similar scenarios repeat for decades. Not really fair, by any means, but roughly proportional. That was the ongoing conflict that existed prior to 10/7. What happened on 10/7 was very much different. There was nothing proportional about that day. The targets weren't military. Hundreds of civilians were massacred. Young people, families, the elderly. That was pure evil and shattered any respect for the concept of proportional response. On 10/7 Hamas invited war. Israel declared war. And that changed everything. Proportionality doesn't apply to war. The Palestinians aren't Israel's enemy. Hamas is. It is cowardly that Hamas is hiding among the Palestinian civilians to try to save themselves from the atrocities they committed and the war they started. Hamas is purposely putting Palestinian civilians at risk. For this - if anyone should be called out - it is the cowardly Hamas.
  23. If anybody hasn't read Art's post above - you should. Really a good post. Well-reasoned, well explained, and levelheaded.
  24. Not a T/F question. The IDF is responsibility for keeping the country safe and that is not as simple as always good or bad. The same is true for all militaries around the world. None are perfect, none are angels, none don't sometimes bend the truth. In times of war, it becomes even messier and more chaotic. War is ugly. War is awful. War is not a bastion of truth and responsibility. All wars consist mostly of pain and cruelty. Which is why we work so hard to avoid them. Before 10/7, there was no war. There is now. Hamas should not have brought this war upon themselves and the Palestinian people. Hamas didn't work hard to avoid it - they invited it. Nobody ever really wins in any war. There should be no special recognition for those that invite war. Other than guilt.
  25. This is fun. Let's post everything we like on Xwitter here as a link. How could that be a bad idea?
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