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Everything posted by GreatWhiteNorth

  1. Fun fact: The skin of a polar bear is not white; it is actually black.
  2. Seems like the ref is doing his best "Carver" impression.
  3. Try Watch BTN Live | Stream Games & Shows on BTN | FOX Sports
  4. McCaliendo? Is that what I heard? If so, I kind of like it.
  5. All good. One tip for future reference - I'm steadily in the middle of the road in terms of politics. If you ever think any of my posts are "political", you've most likely confused me with someone else. The only time my posts are "political" is when I'm responding to someone who is either far left or far right. I dislike both groups' close mindedness. In return, both like to paint me as "left" or "right" - it's how simpletons think. They have great difficulty with the concept that we aren't, and shouldn't be, a country split in half that constantly opposes each other. We're mostly all on the same team, with mostly the same concerns, and we shouldn't lose sight of that being where we are strongest as a country. Especially in light of the chaotic behavior much of the rest of the world is seeing right now.
  6. No. That's not what I was referring to. If there is anything illegal going on, it should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Not lynched. They shouldn't be "drawn and quartered" or murdered in any other fashion as per the above post. These people are innocent until proven guilty. They should have a voice to defend themselves in the event they have may have been falsely accused. I read through some of the stuff, I didn't see any clear proof of anything - just accusations. As terrible as child abuse is, I can't get behind murdering people due to unfounded accusations. Not tolerating even starting this thread? That falls under the category of free speech. Again, something that I believe 100% needs to be tolerated - free speech shouldn't be met with being "drawn and quartered." That is exactly how some non-western countries behave due to their intolerance. And it is abhorrent.
  7. I would prefer tolerance. Every time. Primitive screwheads in some middle eastern countries choose murder by "drawn and quartered" or whatever. Tolerance is better. Always.
  8. Eggum isn't setting the world on fire but is doing just fine. It's a bonus that he's not bringing in thugs or drugs. Two more years makes sense - Eggum has a a decent amount of time to prove himself. And there's nobody else out there that could be swapped at the present moment that would be a big difference maker. It's all good. Two years seems like about the right time to review Minnesota options.
  9. It was touch and go for a bit. Some people were concerned the 'N' stood for 'nigger' - which would have been a huge problem. WKN isn't that kind of poster. That was never what it was about. As has been posted, this is the kind of thing that spins out of control quickly. Words can become insults without intention. We all need to be careful with our words. All of us. Every single one.
  10. Likely the biggest shit show in the history of shit shows in College Wrestling. In Iowa, An Iowa wrestler attempting to abuse an Iowa teammate, then flipping off Iowa fans. From the OP, Is it really that bad? -- YES, it is really that bad. It's even worse.
  11. That's bullshit. Harm schmarm... there's no punching in wrestling. None. Lines have to be drawn, and one very clear red line concerns punching. Zero allowed.
  12. Zero doubt. AJ took a swing and gave him the finger and acted like the douche bag we know him to be all around. DQ was more than justified. (Did his swing land? No, but that's because he punches like a pus*y.)
  13. Ha. But you were thinking "school mum" ... yeeees, yes, you were.
  14. Nice. I commend you on your dedication and fortitude. I have an xwitter account - with fake name and fake email address that I've never posted a thing to. Created years ago in order to follow some wrestling team scores before they were readily available other places. Almost never logged on to it, still have never posted anything with it. If Elmo takes it away, as he's been prone to threaten xwitter users with (which is incredibly bad form, btw) - he can have it.
  15. You were 100% right... you do an excellent job of making that point.
  16. I didn't intend to hurt your feelings with the stink bug comment. But your avatar does resemble one. At least a little. You'll sleep fine, they are harmless. Soooo... bah hah aha hardy har har? Or whatever.
  17. ...speaking of weird dudes. I can't even categorize this post as "reaching" - doesn't even make enough sense.
  18. Why? Why do you ask everyone to do the math for themselves? In the interest of efficiency, you do it yourself (once) so the readers (many) don't have to do it. Basic forum decency. BTW -Your avatar pic does look very much like a stink bug. Hmmm...
  19. You just ignored quite a bit of my last post, and your previous one as well. Per you, "this is what you're drilling down to?" was 100% wrong. Now you ignore even posting it. C'mon. Don't cut and run - address it. You were wrong, man up. Per you, "THAT is what got you?" Yep, that is what got me ... first. And a list of other things. At the end of the day, this V guy is not a leader. He's not even next to a guy who knows of a guy who is cousins with a guy whose uncle was a co-leader.
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