No, dummy, when Hamas rats MURDERED INNOCENT CIVILIANS AND TOOK HUNDREDS OF THEM HOSTAGE it was peacetime. You're an idiot to post otherwise.
Israel declared war in response.
The problem with your post and all of the BS surrounding this war is that people conveniently forget that Hamas combatant rats pretend to be, and hide behind, non-combatants. So bleeding hearts support them.
Screw that.
Hide in a hospital, you'll get rooted out. Will it get ugly? Maybe. But these rats need to be exterminated.
Hide in tunnels, same thing - extermination. Explosions may get ugly.
Want to make peace? If you're serious about peace, then release the hostages and we'll talk peace... except all the hostages aren't released, and they aren't serious about peace, and it's just a negotiation ploy by a bunch of f'ing primitive screwheads who are interested in nothing more than continued fighting and chaos, being paid for by Iran and leading nowhere good. Just more chaos while dummies like you make excuses for them.
Hamas is nothing more than a group of highly paid thugs who murdered and took hostage thousands of people.
Anyone who attempts to defend them and their actions is a puke.