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Everything posted by GreatWhiteNorth

  1. No, not semantics. You seem like an intelligent person from what I've read. Don't purposely feign ignorance. It's beneath you. We are talking about a well-defined term - which I used correctly. There is no peace in Israel and hasn't been in decades, but the term I used was "peace time" and I used it exactly to convey that they were not "at war".... anyone who claims it wasn't "peace time" is just 100% wrong. Period. Words matter. Correct use of them is important.
  2. If we were war had been declared, we'd be "at war" - otherwise, we'd be in "peace time" status. Not "at peace" ... "peace time" and "at peace" are two very different things. Read my previous post, don't be a dope. I already went through this.
  3. "Snubbed"? Looks a lot worse than that. Someone needs to spend time behind bars.
  4. Answer = prior to 10/7 Israel declared war shortly after 10/7 ... prior to that it was "peace time". Which is not at all the same thing as there being "peace" in the region. Two completely different things. Russia has not declared war on Ukraine, so they are - by definition - at peace time status. Yet there is obviously no peace going on there, either. "Special mission" but not at war. Same for Lebanon and Israel - not at war - so peace time status... yet they routinely lob explosives at each other. "In conflict" yet not at war. I'll assist with the definition: peace-time (noun) a period when a country is not at war
  5. No, dummy, when Hamas rats MURDERED INNOCENT CIVILIANS AND TOOK HUNDREDS OF THEM HOSTAGE it was peacetime. You're an idiot to post otherwise. Israel declared war in response. The problem with your post and all of the BS surrounding this war is that people conveniently forget that Hamas combatant rats pretend to be, and hide behind, non-combatants. So bleeding hearts support them. Screw that. Hide in a hospital, you'll get rooted out. Will it get ugly? Maybe. But these rats need to be exterminated. Hide in tunnels, same thing - extermination. Explosions may get ugly. Want to make peace? If you're serious about peace, then release the hostages and we'll talk peace... except all the hostages aren't released, and they aren't serious about peace, and it's just a negotiation ploy by a bunch of f'ing primitive screwheads who are interested in nothing more than continued fighting and chaos, being paid for by Iran and leading nowhere good. Just more chaos while dummies like you make excuses for them. Hamas is nothing more than a group of highly paid thugs who murdered and took hostage thousands of people. Anyone who attempts to defend them and their actions is a puke.
  6. It's a war... war sucks. People die in war consistently. It's not right to blame the result of war on one side or another. Both sides lose human souls in war. The goal needs to be to avoid war. Any group that invites and encourages war (Hamas, here) is the very problem that needs to be addressed.
  7. Exactly what I'm planning to do. Bernie Pragle used to say that we all probably agree on much more than we disagree on. I suspect he was right. It's just that the parts we don't agree on get most of the focus (I'll call it the squeaky-wheel effect - why pay attention to the wheels that work fine?)
  8. Which is so much better than being ... a hateful and angry country. Hateful and angry isn't a good place to be. Not a place anyone should hope for. Maybe best not to pick leaders who are hateful and angry.
  9. IT CAN HAPPEN TO YOU! You must take steps to stop this guy.
  10. Same for my AC/DC Best of album... may be the (4) best first track sequence in the history of rock.
  11. The wikipedia page explaining critical thinking... you don't see the connection? You should be 1st in line to read it, my friend.
  12. True - just like "socialism" has been so bastardized. These words and vague ideas are being used to drive Americans apart over absolutely nothing. Words that we seldom use, and mostly don't care about. Yet what's incredible is that f'ing politicians use them to drive us apart to help them gather $$.
  13. In my experience, most of the time the coaching chairs were empty on both sides. Treat it exactly as if it was a challenge match in the wrestling room. Because it basically is. It's not practice. It's a chance for the underdog to perform on equal footing. Anything that hinders that is a mistake. Let 'em go. No advantage or perceived advantage. (Do not bring kids into coaching chairs, that just makes for future problems.) If butts in coaching chairs are required, any asst coach or trainer will do just fine... as long as they stfu during the match. There's only one really, really important rule that should be always adhered to here: Never ever make a wrestler feel like he's competing against a teammate and against one of his coaches at the same time. Ever.
  14. Nobody should take an anonymous posters' advice at their word. Any more or less than any other media source. Use critical thinking to decide, that's on you. [Link to wiki here] If you don't have critical thinking skills... well, that is the exactly the thing that you need to figure out. You can move in the direction of learning or, like some do, you can just watch the TV and follow whatever Your News tells you to think. What's happening right now very simple to see and follow. What's difficult is trying to figure out how to stop it.
  15. As per my previous post, some information is factual. Unfortunately, much more is garbage. And the changes are impossible to predict. Get your news from the local news folks. They have an accountability factor that the internet simply does not. Anybody that tells you that you have to "research" your news is pointing you in the wrong direction.
  16. Hint - Do NOT get your news from xwitter. More garbage than factual and subject to extreme changes.
  17. Pinto up next ... I've heard he's on fire.
  18. Two matches to two matches - the rest of this dual hinges on this next match. Blockhaus v some f'ing Neb guy (I'm kidding, I like Robb - he's a southern Minnesota guy.) Get ready... blow the whistle.
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