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Everything posted by nhs67

  1. HFS Hendrickson put on his back (looked easy for Kerk too). Now limping ofd and on injury time due to his ankle.
  2. Oh, I hope so. Hebdrickson had a small limp in his warmups and his entire leg taped up.
  3. Moot point, really, but he was fleeing the mat. Noncall there. He let up against PK the last 30 seconds too.
  4. He doesn't have to cut height up at 197lbs. He might be a fill 5'3"... dare I say 5'3.5"?
  5. A guy can only hope. He wrestles like that all year and, as I have maintained, he won't lose at 174lbs - feel like screnshotting that, too? Happy to live rent free.
  6. Amazing performance by Sta(l)rocci. He keeps it up and I will have to remove the (l) altogether. HFS that was impressive.
  7. Oh no! Lewis is as nice as they come. Not an ounce if ill-intent in him.
  8. He gets a lot if flack for being purely a counter-wrestler against the top few tiers.
  9. An honorable mention needs to go to UNI as well. Keckeisen this year. Lujan was the #1 seed at the cancelled 2020 NCAAs. Foster with his title.
  10. While I agree that Stalrocci is a punk, a lot of people say that about Lewis (ThugMassa G and Foca the last two NCAAs) and it is true.
  11. I am pretty fckn stoked for tonight, too.
  12. How big is Steed? Does he head down?
  13. Nomad is poking the bear... errr Brain...
  14. I see what you're saying. Something could be said with them still seeding Pinto over Munoz due to it being at this same tournament last year, though. We will see. I am starting to think yours were more likely correct than mine.
  15. Munoz still lost to Pinto H2H though. At the very least Pinto should be ahead of him. He did place 6th and that is an oversight by me. I forgot he lost in the semi-finals before defaulting out. Also, Foca is technically ranked higher than Munoz. Wrestler - Intermat, Flo, TWR, TOM - AVG Keckeisen - 1, 1, 1, 1 - 1.00 Truax - 2, 2, 3, 2 - 2.25 Foca - 4, 3, 2, 4 - 3.25 Munoz - 3, 4, 4, 3 - 3.50 Edit: Wrestlestat ratings have it Keck, Foca, Munoz, Truax, fwiw as well. Semantic, but just saying.
  16. Oh, no... you don't get to turn this around, mate. I already conceded you won. You clearly need the dub more than me. Also, I am sorry I might have ruined your day. Also, also - for the record, I know Jon personally. I have for nearly thirty years - my kids grew up in the same circuit as him and they go way way back as well as me going way back with his family. Jon is better than this fckn guy, gents. Don't take me being a troll to this easily triggered individual as me signifying that I actually think it is Jon.
  17. Again, Jon, I ask for you to show me. If not the tweets that you so eloquently articulated of, then the proof of my knowledge knowing that these tweets exist. That or you can just be angry. Third option is you accept my formal apology that you have been egregiously effected so much so that you are this upset. Fourth option is that you read back and acknowledge that I accepted that you won. I will even quote it for you to read again (because obviously you didn't read it or you are just looking to be angry - did you try a Snickers?)? ^^ That bolded/underlined bit.
  18. A - Nothing willful about it if I didn't see it. You treat ignorance as a curse rather than attempting to educate - that is a you problem. B - I agree with your first part. Again that is a you problem. C - You know nothing.
  19. Plott above Feldcamp? Seems a moot point if they swap, but I might. Returning 7th at the weight VS 6th at a lower weight. I suppose an argument can be made for Hoffman above Pinto as well - but a moot point. Also Foca pulled 3rd last year whereas Munoz DNP as well as Munoz losing to Pinto at this tournament last year. I also think Kane having a loss to a guy in the field that isn't seeded higher than him might drop him a spot or two as well. I would probably do this, without digging too far... 1 - Keckeisen, Northern Iowa 2 - Foca, Cornell 3 - Feldcamp, Iowa State 4 - Plott, Oklahoma State 5 - Pinto, Nebraska 6 - Munoz, Oregon State 7 - Hoffman, Ohio State 8 - Key, Navy I can see an argument to move Hoffman up to 5th, as well. I could also see a point in having Pinto and Munoz above Plott due to Plott recently coming up and having quite a few losses at 174 last year that weren't that great.
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