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Everything posted by nhs67

  1. Previous AA that has since regressed, based on actual results. Regressed may not be the proper word. He peaked at the right tournament and hasn't peaked as high since. I disagree on everything else you said, as well. We will never know, though. Typically we have been given examples of weight classes existing for a reason and have seen the larger guys win. Especially down here at 125/133.
  2. Honestly would rather see the 5th placers. Not because I don't think these guys are necessarily competitive with the D2/D3 gents, but because I think that using the 5th placers would create a bigger buzz around the meet. Hell, I would love for D2, D3, NJCAA, and NAIA all to have a chance at making it. Remove the 33rd qualifer and allow the NC from each of them to go. Seed them 1-4 and thave them at 33, 34, 35, and 36. Imagine last year: 1 - (33) Joziah Fry, D2, Johnson & Wales, SO, 43W - 0L 2 - (34) Brendon Garcia, D3, Adams State, SO, 22W - 3L (beat Lander's James Joplin 8-4 where Orum lost to him 3-1) 3 - (35) Brandon Orum, NAIA, NAIA, Life, SR, 14W - 3L (see above) 4 - (36) Jett Strickenberger, NJCAA, NW Kansas Tech, SO, 32W - 0L I am kind of giving the benefit of the doubt to NAIA, D3, and D2 over NJCAA there with Jett, but for argument's sake lets leave it. Here are your preliminary bouts: Fry VS Tanner Jordan, SDSU - winner faces Spencer Lee, Iowa Garcia VS Witcraft, OSU - winner faces Patrick Glory, Princeton Orum VS Antonio Lorenzo, Cal Poly - winner faces Liam Cronin Strickenberger VS Nico Provo, Stanford - winner faces Matt Ramos Those are fun matches, I think. Although I admittedly do not know anything about Strickenberger. Well, I guess that isn't true. He is now at West Virginia and is their starter: https://www.wrestlestat.com/wrestler/74382/strickenberger-jett/profile
  3. Insofar as that goes, I don't think Askren has much leg to stand on. Wasn't Bono just following the rules and stipulations that the B1G put forth? Askren is and was a known believer in it being a Plandemic.
  4. Jordan Williams looked real good. He definitely had a lot of size on Young.
  5. Warner does own this thread. You need to mind your tongue when speaking about the boss. Why do you think he hadn't been mentioned yet?
  6. But wait!! He is our best option to qualify/medal at 65 KG!! Remember when he legitimately just came out and continuously shoved Metcalf because he knew he couldn't wrestle an actual match against him?? That shit gets called today.
  7. I agree. I wasn't saying he didn't gas. I was saying at the very least he coasted. Most people coast when they are up big (he wasn't) and/or they gas. We don't want a Lee that coasts. Ever.
  8. If you want to call what the definition of what deep 'should' be where do we cross the invisible line? Top 8? Top 16? Top 33? Top 100? I am cutting the line at Top 8. In that I believe were the Top 8 of 133 face off against the Top 8 from 125 at 133lbs right now in some sort of dual setting, I am taking the Top 8 right now at 133lbs. Using Wrestlestat for argument's sake: 1 - Ramos, Purdue VS Arujau, Cornell 2 - Comacho, NC State VS Fix, Oklahoma State 3 - Noto, Lock Haven VS Crookham, Lehigh 4 - Barnett, Wisconsin VS Nagao, Penn State 5 - Figueroa, Arizona State VS Orine, NC State 6 - McKee, Minnesota VS Latona, Virginia Tech 7 - Peterson, Rutgers VS Colaiocco, Pennsylvania 8 - Palmer, Chattanooga VS Teske, Iowa #5 might be a match. Orine kind of has a style that might be rather stiff for a smaller Figs. #8 is a match. Other than that I don't think there are even any toss-ups. To take it further, let's use #10, 15, 20, 25, and 30. 10 - Ayala, Iowa VS Wisenhunt, Oregon State 15 - Poulin, Northern Colorado VS Zaccone, Campbell 20 - Volk, Wyoming VS Bailey, Little Rock 25 - Moore, North Carolina VS Seltzer, Missouri 30 - Kaylor, Oregon State VS Rooks, Indiana I think when you get to these weights and you start seeing that weight classes matter for a reason and that 133, while it doesn't have the names, does have the depth. The only one I am calling a toss-up would be Ayala and Wisenhunt. On the fence a bit, though. Ayala has felt 133lbs, so I don't think the weight would be too much of a concern.
  9. I am happily married, my man. Maybe in another life?
  10. Nico has done something amazing thus far, by the way. He has been consistently a Top 3-5 guy at 61 KG while also wrestling part time. To put some things in to perspective, he has split with Gross since the 2022 US Open. What I mean by that is that this match gives us a great measuring stick for where Lee is and it it right there. He isn't head and shoulders above the field, though. He needs more real-time reps.
  11. Eh... I have a story to tell you about that and it might make it so you can use those dry erase boards again. Don't assume it has to be dry. Try using a dry erase marker to write over the sharpie. If that doesn't work then ethanol or acetone should work. You're welcome.
  12. You need to hold your tongue, Ser! I will fong you! I will fong you until your insides are out, your outsides are in, your entrails will become your extrails. Pain! Lots of pain!
  13. HFS you're an idiot. While the words you are using are individually correct you need to quit trying to make shit up using semantic articulation. I could do the same. I could say your username means 'Fork in my...' never mind. I am not going to allow myself to trip over nothing.. even though I really want to.
  14. Well AWA has what.... 95%+ of the top-end talent there? Hopke is the basically the lone exception, right... and he went to Minny. With the bridge being burnt between Benji and Bono I don't expect any top-end Wiscy talent to go to Wiscy. Actually that burnt bridge may be damning in many other states too. More people (kids) know who Askren is than Bono (the coach - duh!). Askren has been vocal about how much of a dishonest turdbiscuit Bono is.
  15. Guys, this Iowa State team is vastly underrated right now due to weight acclimation and new faces in the lineup. Guys like the Frost brothers, Echemendia, Chittum, Gaittan are all contenders for mid-AA honors and right now they are ranked 18th, 27th, 19th, and 22nd. Echemendia might be the guy at 141 instead of one of the Frost brothers, but I think you get the point. Wiscy, on the other hand? This is rebuild year for them. They don't have any incoming transfers to blow our socks off (hrmm.... perhaps that fiacso with Burwikk showed everyone what Bono's actual character is like huh?) and their biggest name is on Oly-shirt. I think they will be fine. They have a lot of youth in their lineup that needs experience. It was just a piss-poor matchup for them against an ISU squad that most people don't understand just how good they are.
  16. On the flip side of all that... if Fix or Arujau announce they are heading down to 125lbs tomorrow, they are immediately the favorite. 133 is much deeper than 125 and it isn't even close. Edit: Deeper where it matters... which is peak potential AA.
  17. The problem with 125 is that if you take the Top 15-20, who I think we all agree have a rather high(~25%+) percentage chance to AA at 125 this year, and put them up at 133 then their window for AA gets a lot smaller. Yes Palmer beat Nagao, but he didn't beat him when it mattered. Yes Ramos beat Orine but, while the records are similar, the Orine of last year took a metaphorical leap from the year before (3 seed VS 15 seed). You take all these potential AA guys and bump them up to 133 and I have very little confidence any of them pull AA honors. If you give them this last offseason to 'bulk' in to 133 and I still wouldn't bet on any pulling AA honors off. Weight classes exist for a reason and they matter.
  18. Yeah, I did not expect him to score any offensive points on Caliendo. Olguin might have won that match.
  19. Finally! One thing that matters that we cane solely and wholeheartedly agree on!
  20. My thinking aligns with yours, more or less. They would have to throw something ridiculous at Askren to have it make sense for him. He doesn't need the job. That said, once some of his AWA guys make it through college, he could start plucking them for his coaching staff.
  21. I see what you are trying to say here. That said, someone else might see this as a bit of a contradictory statement.
  22. If I thought it might happen I would. I don't think anybody is touching Stalrocci at 174lbs this season unless O'Toole bumps up. A 165lb O'Toole isn't beating a 174lb Stalrocci, though. Not sure if Mizzou will see Penn State this season.
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