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Everything posted by nhs67

  1. His twin had to retire because he couldn't get his body healthy.
  2. I think Hoffman does well here. The further from weigh-ins we get the better. I only see PK as a clear favorite on him as of now.
  3. 125 - This is the only weight I don't see a Buckeye potentially wrestling for a medal (sorry). McCrone can beat a lot of the guys in the field, but he would have to beat a lot of guys that are just a little better than him. 133 - Bouzakis could ball out here. He needs a good showing here for confidence, I think. I still think he is well capable of hanging with the top two or three here. I wouldn't pick him over Vito or Fix, though. Not sure we see Cannon here. 141 - This tournament last year was when Hardy turned it on. 8 seed a dominated everybody. Mendez holds a clear advantage on the feet, so if he can avoid the mat he might be okay here. 149 - This weight is so damn deep. I know Lovett is the odds on favorite to win it all this year but I don't know if he makes it through this gauntlet unbeaten. 157 - I don't think we see Teemer here. I also think Paddy could place very highly here. While he is back to focusing on weight management, it is evident he put in some time this offseason. Do I think he beats Robb or Shapiro? No. Do I think he could get a win or two against guys higher ranked than him? Yes. 165 - How much does Hepner's H2H over Amine hold weight here? If folks are smart, they will avoid taking down. I think we end up seeing Carr against Amine in the finals. 174 - Lewis got beat up by Sta(l)rocci. I don't think we see him here. That waters it down quite a bit, but I do like Kharchla to make the finals opposite Griffith. This should be a good tournament for them to get a feel for 174lbs properly, without seeing any of the higher tier gents (aside for themselves) 184 - I want to see more of Hoffman at 184, but my gut is telling me he is right on that level with PK, Foca, Munoz, etc. Depending on seeding he could make a decent, deep run. I am very interested in a Plott match. Both coming in to 184 after being sumstantially different sized rather recently (197lbs for Hoffman VS 79 KG for Plott). I think Foca slides right in and shows that he is here to compete. 197 - Oh lordy-lord... we just saw Brooks beat down Sloan. Will Hidlay manhandle him the same way he manhandled Beard?Cardenas is a sleeper to knock Hidlay off, though. A lot of familiarity there with having seen each other on National Teams. Geog could be in the neighborhood of 7-9 seed there, so he could see one of them early. 285 - Feldman will have a good chance to prove himself against a few gents higher ranked here. I don't think we see Schultzy or Hendrickson there, though. That leaves a slew of other guys to test himself on. Predictions: 125 - McCrone, DNP 133 - Bouzakis, 4th 141 - Mendez, 1st 149 - D'Emilio, 4th 157 - Gallagher, 5th 165 - Hepner, 4th 174 - Kharchla, 2nd 184 - Hoffman, 2nd/3rd (I have him losing to PK, not sure on seeding here) 197 - Geog, 6th 285 - Feldman, 3rd
  4. Boooooo! I think Munoz beats him if (when) they meet again. I just don't think they can ignore the H2H for seeding purposes when they are both contenders for the weight in LV.
  5. I have also been known to streak through the quad and down to the gymnasium.
  6. I am basically retired at this point and work as a consultant. I can do this as my day job.
  7. Tono Romo isn't, wasn't, and never will be an all-timer. Taylor has the potential to be it as not only a competitor, but a coach. Add in analyst and BLAMMO! You have a trifecta. Too bad Dake exists, though. 1 - Dake 2 - Taylor
  8. Sta(l)rocci and Kerkvliet are dads.
  9. Never has anything so preposterous been said in the history of ever... Also... ahem...
  10. Kerk got the US government asking for child support after that one...
  11. There were quite a few people picking him to beat O'Toole at the ASC last year, I think? That said... he is going to be much larger than Messenbrink. I want to see Messenbrink be tested by a full-sized 165lber before he gets Hamiti.
  12. @1032004 I must apologize for the tone there. I wasn't trying to appear aggressive or condescending even though it looks like I was.
  13. Well with Foca going up and Lewis being sonned, it leaves only one man to do the unthinkable. Shane Mfckn Griffith
  14. Does Lewis consider a different weight class? Is that something the coaching staff would consider if Lewis came to them about it? How does Lewis fare against the onslaught that is 184? Could he go 165?
  15. Our picks are damn near identical. I have Woods getting a Major over Frost, if it is Frost, though. I am also hoping that Swafford can stay in the match. He gave up a lot of NF to Munoz and Feldkamp is a pinner. I have it 18-16 ISU as of right now with the same lineup you have.
  16. I watched it yesterday. He is limping several times in there. At the very least he is 'stiff legging' it. You understand men of his athletic pedigree can do a lot with little to no ligaments, right? You also understand that the guy who beat him has NO ACL in at least one of his knees too, right? The difference between the two is Hendrickson's injury is recent. Someone said it was the finals of U23s, but I believe it was the quarters. Also, Hendrickson isn't going to be the guy that makes any excuses. That isn't his shtick. Also, also - Kerk looked so fckn fast. HFS. Taylor had said something about him being 240-245 last year? He weighed in at 256(253?) at B1Gs. If he is lighter than 240-245 then the entire damn planet needs to be on notice, because he didn't lack any power there.
  17. So the obvious limp and entire leg being taped up was nothing?
  18. Until someone scores an offensive point on the guy, Sta(l)rocci can only be beaten with a stick, while he sleeps.
  19. I have it on fair authority that Lewis' mum has already attempted to call Sta(l)rocci to collect that child support.
  20. Guys... I am watching that Sta(l)rocci match again.
  21. Kerk stood up and shrugged him off. Effortless.
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