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Everything posted by nhs67

  1. A ) Heindselman can pound sand. B ) Mora followed Kish with the intention to start after his Redshirt. C ) Trying to fit these three gents in to the lineup: - Schwartz just announced he was returning to Oklahoma for his final season of eligiblility - McDougald announced he was transferring there from Lehigh - Belton just announced he was transferring there from Oregon State The only way one of them doesn't sit is if Schwartz or Belton drop to 133lbs. The same can be said for Carlson, Sax, Picklo and Parker from 165-184lbs. The only way at least one of them doesn't ride pine is if Carlson drops to 157 and either Picklo or Sax make the drop to 165lbs.
  2. Oklahoma 125 - Jordan 133 - Schwartz 141 - Belton 149 - McDougald 157 - Carlson 165 - Sax 174 - Picklo 184 - Parker 197 - Buchanan 285 - Mora That is a solid lineup, gents.
  3. He would have to enter Big 12s at 165lbs to be considered for seeding purposes, wildcard or not, at NCAAs. He is going 174lbs. Also, Starocci is going 197lbs next year. Yes O'Toole is going 174lbs.
  4. I don't even remember where I saw it, to be honest. I just remember thinking that both of them looked slick.
  5. Have you seen the videos of Hamiti and Plott rolling around? They're awesome.
  6. They still happen over on the Iowa boards, don't they?
  7. All I can find on it now is this: Fall Sports: This period lasts for 30 days in the fall, beginning 7 days after your given sport’s championship selection. It opens again for 15 days in the spring, from May 1st to May 15th. Winter Sports: These sports can enter the portal during a 45-day day period, starting 7 days after the championships selection. Spring Sports: These sports can enter the portal during a 30-day period in the spring. This 30-day period starts 7 days after your sport's champions selection. It reopens again for 15 days in the fall, from December 1 to December 15. Maybe there aren't two windows anymore?
  8. They legit changed it right before the portal opened up this last time. There is a second one in the fall, though. When they changed it, they made it so when they transfer they are immediately eligible to compete.
  9. If you do a search for 'rby lee' then do advanced options and select the option for 'include both' or w/e it says, you will see there are something like six pages of things where they are both talked about. A lot of stuff, actually.
  10. I could only hope for something so awesome.
  11. That would be pretty damn cool.
  12. He forfeited to Israel because that is what Iran does. Cool bet. Please be gentle with me if you win. I am open to it being Sig or Pic, to be clear - you choose when (if? ) it happens). The bet is now clear, but to clarify for others... Azarpira wins Gold - You win and choose either my Sig or my Pic. Azarpira does not win a medal - I win and choose your Sig.
  13. It's Latin, Roman in origin.
  14. I don't buy it. One tournament does not a favorite make you. You have a lot returning at 97 KG as it is before you add him. A better chance he doesn't medal. I would sig bet that he has a better chance to not medal than win Gold. Edit: To be clear, you are saying your favorite at 97 KG lost to our 86 KG #4 at 92 KG.
  15. The paperwork only needs to be submitted to his school by the 2nd, I believe. If it takes his school 3 or 4 days (or 5) to process it, then it's not on the athlete. Also, I think he technically entered last year. Not sure if that rolls over or not.
  16. I am okay calling college students 'kids.' I am closer to 60 than 50. I am also okay with other people not calling them 'kids.' Especially considering that legal age to drink is 21, legal age to shoot and kill someone for the USofA is 17, w/ parental consent. It is subjective. I view it as relative, as I would not call them a kid against a high schooler or one of my grandchildren, for example. Legally Brooks is not a kid. Brooks is also done with collegiate wrestling, so I would not call him a kid anymore myself.
  17. Hello Daniel, If you weren't such an idiot you would know that you're an idiot and you keep re-posting relevant information, thus making yourself look like an idiot. Have you checked on the caregiver you've kept locked up in the basement within the last three to five weeks? She (he?) might have needed some water or something in that span of time. #CaregiverLivesMatter Have a lovely day, West Coast DanTheMan Sincerely, Everybody
  18. We all know that. Posted in the Transfer Portal thread the other day, my man.
  19. It is sad that you felt the need to clarify. Everyone knows that Turdbiscuit is a Turdbiscuit AKA West Coast DanTheMan. Some 80 some-odd year old dipshit who would rather dog on college kids than tell the truth. He makes Lizard King look honest.
  20. Ben went that route. Him and Bono do not get along. He won't do that if Bono is there. If his brother Max is there, though...?
  21. Every match between Sidakov and Burroughs was razor thin, but only one of them ever won when it mattered. I know he is beatable. Everyone is.
  22. Sidakov has never lost at Worlds has he?
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