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Everything posted by nhs67

  1. Careful now... Dr. @MPhillips was clearly being ridiculous because that is what this thread is. You're smarter than to believe he was serious. Do better.
  2. Seems very high on Rutgers and very low on Illinois.
  3. So Super-Recruit Gavin Nelson rides pine here?
  4. Bo has aspirations to be the UFC Middleweight (185lbs) World Champion. That will take sporadic weeks out of each month just for media requirements.
  5. Well Starocci is a punk because he tries to play heel. He isn't good at it, though. Everything I have heard and spoke to people about (in person, mind you at B1Gs and afterwords via Twatter or whatnot) was that he was just upset because he just wanted to wrestle and that he is actually one of the nicest guys on the planet. This is also speaking to some of his competitors that he 'seems' to beef with. I dropped the (l) in Starocci for a reason. Edit: What I mean by this is that even though Starocci is whinging now, I think it is more because he is upset DT is leaving, not how he is leaving. If DT is 'next man up' the entire family there will run it back one more time before he rides off in to the sunset.
  6. Definitely past tense. Gilman controlled Fix in a way we hadn't seen Fix be controlled in MFS in a while. A 6-0 loss to Gilman in MFS is basically worse than a Tech to anyone else. Fix and Gilman have heavy defensive styles, so to not only allow be shutout but allow GIlman to score six points - that means there is a distinct gap there now that wasn't five years ago.
  7. Bo isn't going to leave his MMA career and MMA gym (that he owns) to go and be an assistant at OSU. Add in that it is DT alone and that would make it a no.
  8. Snyder and/or Brooks are taking that job in a couple years, so no point in going there and having the same thing happen again.
  9. He had an Olympic he could utilize next year, which also meant that he would have to defer enrollment to utilize. He had said in an interview leading up to last year that it was an option for him to come back in 2024-25 in that sort of manner. It was one of the ones from when he was training at Iowa and folks thought he was going to go to Iowa (which I would wager is still well in play to happen). He could defer fall enrollment, enter the portal when it opens up there (a 15 day window?), transfer, and be immediately eligible to compete for wherever he chooses. I also believe that if any of the Penn State wrestlers choose to follow that they could also do it this way. When the portal rules updated a few weeks ago they made it so when they transfer they are immediately eligible to compete. I might be missing some crucial details in there (like maybe it is specific to Grad transfers - which Steveson is), but I remember thinking that the portal was going to get wild for non-revenue sports for this next calendar year.
  10. With new portal rules they could defer enrollment in the fall, transfer in that window, and be immediately eligible, yes?
  11. So basically Steveson could come back and wrestle 2nd semester pretty much anywhere?
  12. You're arguing with a shoe.
  13. He didn't want him to pull a Wick and transfer out after a Redshirt. Bono may be a BBS dubbed Turdbiscuit, but he isn't an idiot.
  14. It's a vagina, Charles!
  15. Courtesy of Minnow, gents... (you're welcome)...
  16. The unwritten context to connect the dots is he was saying he was offered a lot TO LEAVE to another school and said no. I see nothing hypocritical about what he said.
  17. Starocci still showing he's a punk. Nothing new.
  18. I was saying I would take Oliver instead of Scott.
  19. Oh, I agree. I also believe that he is going to have an immediate impact (1-3 years away) from pulling the height of that ceiling down, in the Penn State dominance department. I think it is also likely that Penn State keeps the gap, but the gap between OSU as the #2 and the next tier of teams. With the new NIL and transfer rules, next year could have quite a few Penn State guys make the move over (Haines, Ryder, Kasak, etc.). Even losing them, Penn State could still run away with 150+ points in 2026.
  20. I think keeping someone with OSU roots on staff would be a good thing to do. That said, after seeing Jordan Oliver's tweet about him being a middleweight coach there, I would go with JO over CS. A flashier start brings in the recruits you want, which lets you mold the Dynasty your (DT's) way.
  21. So the answer is technically two. 2023: 2W - 3L 2022: 3W - 2L 2021: 3W - 2L 2020: 4W - 1L (beat VTech) 2019: 41 - 1L (beat VTech) 2018: 3W - 2L 2017: 3W - 2L 2016: 2W - 3L (lost to Duke)
  22. That is like saying 'finished better than 8th or 9th in the B1G' isn't it? Duke doesn't count. So better than 3/5? Well to be fair, I believe the job post had/has to be listed for a certain amount of time. So when it was posted was when the actual clock started. The vetting has to be done in a particular order, but I think the time constraints there are basically however long each step actually takes and not on a clock.
  23. As I have said (I definitely was not the first), there are three people that make it so it doesn't happen. DT, JB, and Cunningham. If I am an OSU fan I am insurmountably more happy with this fan. Coleman didn't place higher than 12th at UNC as the HC there and was 16th or lower 6 of 7 times (2024 doesn't count as he wasn't there, obviously).
  24. I agree. He has grown and developed in a way that not many (if any) thought he could. I simply meant that I am sure he was approached and offered money on the side.
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