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Everything posted by nhs67

  1. Maybe we see Valencia there in an effort to grow in to 86 KG for Mexico?
  2. Well you are also penciling him in as starter ahead of a guy that is returning that he (Focus) lost to last year.
  3. That was the lowest (213lbs) that he had been since he was in 5th grade, too. Take another 16lbs off of that and hold it for an entire season? I am with @Gushere. I want to see it before I pencil him in.
  4. Until I see Carroll at 197, I am not even writing him in as the starter over Surber.
  5. Are we thinking Derracott or Bearclaw?
  6. This was meant for you - apologies.
  7. Neal was 6'4" and was all of 130 KG (~285lbs) for his wrestling days. He also played with a wingspan of a 6'8" Tackle, metaphorically speaking. He was the only wrestler to out-athlete Brock, IIRC during his days, but a lot of it had to do with just having a longer/larger frame.
  8. We know he's athletic... probably the most athletic heavyweight we have had this millennium. That said, what does that mean for top speed? He could run a ~4.7s 40, but a ~6s 3 cone drill and that would tell us a lot more about position. Those are elite EDGE numbers. If he does that with a 12 rep bench, then he isn't a DE, he's potentially an OLB... but then he would need higher top end speed, so undesirable there. This is all conjecture, mind you. I don't know any of his stats aside for height/weight, and it is likely that we never will.
  9. Since you follow it a bit more closely than most of us, do you have any insight as to why the federation seems to have stopped caring about wrestling? It is curious that they have been sending partial teams for any style. I know they typically focus on Olympic weights, but there have been some prominent tournaments in the last year or two that they just haven't been sending even those weights at. Is it a precaution so as to not lose more wrestlers to defection? It is pretty clear that one of the reasons for the USA rising to be the lone power in the western hemisphere is that Cuba has sort of taken a step back. It doesn't even necessarily look like a step back in quality as it is quantity. My apologies to you gents for getting off topic - just curious on this one.
  10. People are either ignorant, xenophobic, or a toxic combination of both. Add it that keyboards don't typically fight back and a lot of folks get courageous.
  11. Steveson would have to reduce a lot of his mass to be a functional HB. He isn't really tall enough to play any other position. Derek Henry is the unicorn that is typically 250+ as a HB, but he is also 6'3" tall. I know he has the athleticism and all that to do what so many just can't... but size and frame matters a lot when it comes to coaching schemes. You don't see 6'0" tackles anymore unless they have a 7'0" wingspan (which is what matters there). Does he have hands? He would be a short Tight End, but he would probably be the most athletic tight end in the league were he to go that route. What are his actual physical stats? 6'0" 255lbs? Wingspan? Bench Press? Vertical Jump? Is he even an offensive guy? Does he go the route of OLB in a 4-3 or EDGE in a 3-4? He doesn't have the experience to jump in the middle and play MLB. I would love for football to be his sport as it would go a long way to showing/proving that wrestling is the way to go.
  12. Billy Janzer? What about Valencia?
  13. Didn't he just 'fumble' a 184lber that was a D3 beast?
  14. Damn. That is shitty for Doucet and Surber.
  15. The Oklahoma State gents have 45 days from the hire of DT or the retirement of John Smith?
  16. Beaver Stadium is Penn State's football field. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beaver_Stadium
  17. Already replied to this with this...
  18. A lot of people closer to the situation believe the same thing, including Daton Fix (who himself was right in the conversation every year he competed).
  19. Also of note: Alirez might be a different wrestler now than he was ~five years ago, but he tried the 149lb route. He wasn't big enough.
  20. I am a big fan of Joey Davis - always was and always will be. That said, his senior year - in which he won at 184lbs, he scraped by in a 4-2 Decision victory over a ~0.500 wrestler from Penn who was also coming up fro 174lbs. Add in that despite him having a good size advantage on Alex Dieringer at the ASC, Dieringer dominated - dare I say destroyed - him. His Junior year he did beat Ottinger (CMU starter, multiple time NQ, Mark Martin (OSU starter, multiple time NQ) and Wilps (Pittsburgh starter who placed 7th that year) at 174lbs, so maybe 184 wasn't the optimal weight for him. So if he isn't going to be a good example of those who could succeed from D2 to D1 then I don't know who would be. There are many examples to pool from. Unfortunately there are going to be more D2/D3 guys who don't find the same success than do, and there are going to be many more guys who don't find success at the D1 level that do at the D2/D3 level. There is a reason D1 is considered the highest level. Edit: Isaiah White is a good example, but I think he is an exception. Particularly because he was supposed to go the D1 route and couldn't academically make it, so his 'pit stop' was to fix those issues.
  21. OOF. Missed that one (somehow). I would think he believes he beats Surber is the reason he is dropping to 197lbs. That being said, I believe Carroll starts at 197lbs when we see Carroll functional at 197lbs. He was the leanest we have ever seen him at 97 KG, which is another ~16lbs more he needs to drop.
  22. I hope he doesn't go the Vasbinder route and go to a mid-level team that has him migrate to a different weight than is optimal for him. Maybe a different weight is optimal, but Vasbinder (Michigan State/McKendree) would have been much better suited had he been 'allowed' to go 197lbs. That being said, Endene's closest match last season was a 6-2 victory over a gent that Glazier Teched via 19-4 in 7:00. Glazier's victory was at the beginning of the year, so there could have been a good amount of improvement from all three between the beginning and ends of the seasons, but that is the closest comparison you could get (right now). I think Glazier found his groove AFTER that match, so there is that, too. So me, I would put him in the fringe R12/R16 area at best right now. How many teams are in need of that currently where they might be willing to shell out even a small back? What teams?
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