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Everything posted by nhs67

  1. If he is the 4/5 and David Carr is the other 4/5 I think David Carr is beating him. If he is the 6, as Nomad thinks it should be, he will lose to O'Toole. Hell, using what Nomad thinks as projected seeds he would see Shapiro before he sees O'Toole and Starocci hasn't been 74 KG since he was in diapers so there is a huge unknown.
  2. I had a feeling that if Reader had gone he would get the blame and Bono would be safe another year (or two). Here's to hoping it's only for another year now. Guy is such a fckn turdbiscuit.
  3. I can confirm that by 2031 he will be ~112lbs, so... he has to think of something here. Can he turn into a little Frank Molinaro? We'll see.
  4. Correct. There are concerns that he will be too small for 74 KG this go and that his more natural size (right now) is more towards 70 KG. By next Olympics I fully expect him to be our 65 KG rep. He'll then likely enter tweener zone again, but still be our guy at 65 KG. 2036 is when he might have to reverse the reverse because he'll probably be too small for 57 KG at that point.
  5. Why are people ignoring Bennett? He is legitimately the soul of that team. Even if he isn't hired on he needs to be on staff, or they will go from perennial Top 3 MAC to bottom 3 for several seasons at least.
  6. I don't mean to harp on the guy, because he is going to have a more successful life than anyone could imagine, but it appears his focus was education and long-term mental health. When other guys (Parris, Kerk, Davison) were gym-ratting it, he was focusing on how to be successful in life. He didn't do anything wrong, he just didn't hit the weights as hard. It left him behind a bit and as he needed to rely on superior athleticism more to play catch-up with gents like them and Batista, it wore on his body more. The guy will be fine and I do wish him the absolute best.
  7. I didn't get mad, bud. I got annoyed because you never fail to surprise me with how stupid you can be so often. It has shock value every single time.
  8. Legitimately the first pictures that populated for me when I typed 'David Taylor 74 KG' and 'David Taylor 86 KG' in my search bar, bud. You were wrong. Accept it. Move on. EZPZ.
  9. A lot of the WWE fandom shits on him on the Twitters and forums for the rape stuff still. It isn't just a lack of charisma.
  10. I think JB knows he can't save anything in the tank against Nolf. Nolf is close.
  11. You don't think a panel...? What the actual ***duck**? You can't take the L ever, can you? A 74 KG DT was skin and bones, especially compared to the 86 KG version we now have. Nah. Nvm. I concede. Obviously these two versions of DT arw both at 74 KG.
  12. Me saying Foca is just me poking the bear. I think and hope he stays put. Fernandes is done. No more for him. There has been no noise on Ramirez.
  13. I did watch the match. Scrawny is subjective. Compare that to now and he js scrawny as all hell. Arujau scrawny. Maybe more Gross and less Arujau.
  14. Foca as well, possibly maybe.
  15. If Rogers lands at Cal Poly, then that makes up for the Saldate snub (for me). Keep Lamer at 174lbs and Rogers at 184lbs.
  16. Pulling a Wick and transferring out.
  17. Hoping Cal Poly or Purdue. One best friend is at one school (Lamer) and the other is at Purdue (Rowley). Hoping Rowley heads down to 174lbs next season as well.
  18. I think it ends up being 2 or 3, depending on if everyone does show up, not 3 or 4. He actually has it pretty good, even if Retherford decides to sit the the semi-finals on bottom.
  19. How was he garbage? Wasn't his only losses at 86 KG his first year to Dake?
  20. He looks scrawny as hell there.
  21. Snyder weighed in at 232 his senior season against Coon and 227 against Gwiazdowski. I was unable to find the numbers from his Junior season. This was at B1Gs this year (Davison and Feldman at 236 and 232, respectively) as well as what some of the 'hybrid' gents weighed in at Collegiate Duals this year.
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