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Everything posted by nhs67

  1. I will see your 2002 Sanderson motion and raise you the 2024 Sanderson sequencing.
  2. I want you to make this your signature. It actually makes sense.
  3. Their wrestling room is what is shit. They have top of the line facilities otherwise (weight room, etc.)
  4. They may look at common opponents from this cycle. Whoever will be on topside likely has Miracle so being bottom has it's benefits. That said, bottom has current USA Wrestling Women's College Wrestler of the year in Nwachukwu. At this point in their respective careers the top might be the better spot.
  5. You understand their facilities dictate that they can likely only put the flames out. There is no fixing the dumpster fire without improving the room they actually train in.
  6. We will get to see it in WFS at 62 KG, so that should be fun.
  7. Hrmmm... 41 points. That would have entrenched them to 3rd place, with 88 points. Edit: To add to this, their 133/141 dept at that point was complete trash... they weren't making that up.
  8. The Michigan State and Wisconsin situations are entirely different. Wisconsin is whiffing on the greatest in-state recruiting surge in Wisconsin in... possibly ever, simply because Bono is a turdbiscuit and Askren doesn't like him because he is a turdbiscuit. Also saying they have a situation similar to Northwestern is wrong, as well. They lost one guy. Might be the biggest returning points scorer, but it is still one guy - not three. State losing two is much more similar to Northwestern. I don't see it happening to Rutgers. Goodale has a great atmosphere going on there and the fan interest is as high there as any institution in the country, bar none. As far as Purdue? Ersland keeps bringing in recruits, not outsourcing them... that could change though, I suppose.
  9. Man they really whiffed on the best time to be getting recruits from the state of Wiscy, didn't they? Imagine a roster that includes those AWA gents.
  10. People are just pissy that the portal paid off for Michigan. Penn State doesn't get as much flack either, but they do get flack because it's easier to hate them for winning everything. It didn't pay off for OSU or Iowa. If it had, they would be the punch line.
  11. I will raise you one further: Why would a MAC school look at a failing school's AHC?
  12. Northwestern had a bunch of guys get degrees and wanted another chance to succeed, so they left. Mind you, they all had spent at least four years at Northwestern. The same can be said for Sadlate and Fish at MSU. Both have over 75 wins for their former university. What is wrong with wanting to maximize your output your last try? Both had great seasons and should have placed. All this said, Sparty leadership is okay with the program not being amongst the top tier or two. As long as they don't make unnecessary noise(s) like some of these other programs are (in the bad ways) they will be happy.
  13. While most people know of Matt Ramos from his Pinfell victory over Spencer Lee, his freestyle accolades are mediocre. If you are familiar where Jake Comacho sits, they have gone back and forth in MFS over the last few years. Comacho is a fringe T10 guy in the USA, depending on who is competing in the circuit for that year. One thing Ramos does have going for him is he doesn't mind taking risks. He could lose to a guy 10-0, but make the proper adjustment the next time and either defend or hit that move that put him down big. What I mean to say is that if he does compete for the Philippines (which is rumored), then he either might blow everyone out of the water initially and then sink back or do poorly then blow everyone off the water. He has a high ceiling and low floor compared to someone who is more consistent and disciplined like a Sebastian Rivera.
  14. Imagine if you were still alive and had gone that route with this mighty nation of ours. Honestly I might have been for it, had I seen what it is turning to now. Hopefully sensibility starts to expound itself as a more SOP soon.
  15. A - No. I think a canning would require a fresh start (unless Reader assisted in said canning, but I doubt that would happen). B - Just going off the various bbs and twitters and whatnot. I am also surprised.
  16. It would be pretty damn cool to see Knox or Forrest in the OTT 57 KG field. Same for Bassett or Valencia in the 65 KG foeld. Mirasola, Sinclair, Sealey, etc. as well. That said, there are some serious vets in the field. While it might not be their time now, it will be soon for them.
  17. What in the last six yesds of a dumpster fire at Wiscy makes you think Reader > Bennett. Bennett is a CMU guy through and through. Add to the fact that from what people are saying: Reader hasn't applied and CMU hasn't reached out to him. At least one kof those has to happen before he could possibly even be in consideration.
  18. I see what you are saying, but doesn't McKenna own the last victory? Add in that he has been active on the circuit, even if he did lose to Bartlett at Senior Nationals. He has also put together quite a good resume on the international circuit(s), only losing to medalists. I don't think they would drop him below 2/3, but I wouldn't be surprised to see him at the 4/5 because of the lack of activity.
  19. JO looked absolutely massive for 145lbs in his fight in August on day before weigh-ins.
  20. What about Byrd to 125 instead?
  21. Please see below for how the bracket will look. Every aside for Retherdord will still be seeded the same way. Alirez could be the 2 and Bartlett the 3. Alirez bear Bartlett beat McKenna beat Johnny D. Could be that order.
  22. 74 KG is/was wishful thinking and I am sorry if it led to you thinking it. He had to notify by the 25th what weight and he sakd 65 KG.
  23. One year of eligibility left. Best Chittum and Brayton Lee at NCAAs. Who needs a 157lber?
  24. Starocci isn't going 65 KG, so no worries there.
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