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Everything posted by nhs67

  1. Yeah. They can keep showing her. Some of us might even prefer she get a little bit angry on screen. We might like that.
  2. Can't fix a broken body. Guy can't get or stay healthy at 125. I think he needs to pursue 133 as an option for his final year. This is an ignorant post. Every Penn State wrestler knows that the standard of excellence is the highest in the country and if they want to be a part of that they need to put the work in to get better. If they perform they have no worries. I am the biggest Facundo fan on this forum and even I understand the reason for bringing in Messenbrink. Peak potential does not mean results. Results mean results. Everyone said 'Oh Beard beat Dean.' He did so when it didn't matter. Dean still outplaced him at NCAAs and Brooks will outplace Beard next year too. So was the decision wrong? Why is it so bad that a team is using the rules set forth to put the very best team, possibly ever, on the mat? Those coaches know what they're doing and the best version of Penn State is better for USA Wrestling. This is simply an ignorant opinion from me, but I believe that Title IX is very restrictive towards the Men's sports. For example, we have seen men being able to go to the Women's sports and win at the highest level, but we have not seed any Women come to the Men's sports and compete at the highest level, let alone win. Kennedy Blades, Amit Elor, Kylie Welker would all be 165lbers. They would be destroyed. Shilson wrestled 109lbs in college so not only would she be destroyed, she would be well undersized.
  3. I think they should redshirt Carroll unless he is heads and shoulders above Doucet in the room. I would also see if Plott and Wittlake might be on board with swapping this next season. Plott has a higher ceiling and is more fundamentally sound. With the three time defending champion heading up to 197 they have a chance for higher peak points if they swap. Unless... Starocci takes an ORS. Then leave it.
  4. There are levels to this. Penn has the PRTC now and that is making headway at the highest level of wrestling. An institution like Penn isn't as worried about results as they are culture, and what they have there is Top Tier. Anyone who can't objectively see or accept that they are never going to be Cornell year-in, year-out is running with a level of toxic energy that the Penn program doesn't need around them.
  5. That shouldn't be the defining term on eras. If it is, then there should also be a modern era and pre-modern era. The technology and training out there today has wrestling in the USofA the best it has ever been. There are the unicorns that might have done well in today's wrestling world, but if you were to take today's wrestlers and put them back in that day and you have many more potential unicorns. Hell, there are five eras. Pre-Gable Cold War Gable 90s to early 00s Modern NIL Think of Mark Schultz, for example. - 150/158 as a Frosh - 167 NCAA Champion as a Soph - 177 NCAA Champion as a Junior/Senior How does he do in each of the five eras? As far as style and technique and all that goes, Modern and NIL are the most similar. He was named the 'Best College Wrestler of the Decade' in the 1980s by his peers, which is essentially ten hodges. He is (was) a unicorn. He would compete and contend at the college level. He wouldn't be a favorite. Brute force was his methodology. I see him sort of as a Mikey Labs. Not a knock to either, just not a unicorn for the Modern or NIL era. Take Bo Nickal or Zahid Valencia back to the Cold War Gable era and between Schultz and Banach (6 NCAA titles) they might have one (Schultz at 167). Disclaimer: These are my opinions. You are allowed to have different opinions on the matter without being a douche.
  6. The picture shown proves that he does. Get with it.
  7. Mason Stevesonson knew it going in. Honestly, this was his best chance to beat him with Gable Parrisfather having been out of competition for a year. I am still pissed the fukced up seeding, but Parris will probably be the guy to see him at Final X still.
  8. Why are people acting like this is the first time people misunderstood criteria and the scoreboard? The criteria is(was) clear, if you understand the ruling. On the mat, both wrestlers knew going in it was 'BEST-WORST-LAST' so I am not sure the rub here. Bartlett gave him all he could handle... yes... Lee still won the match, even if Bartlett's hand was raised.
  9. It did surprise me that the FLoBros basically were saying 'Aaron Brooks next topic' when discussing 86 KG. Zahid had one bad international tournament, but has dominated everyone aside for DT and Bo domestically since he was at 79 KG. I don't think I expect his match with Brooks to be much different than a Valencia-Hall match looks. After(not IF) Valencia scores Brooks will be forced to open up to try to score himself. The one aside is that Brooks is a solid 20lbs beefier than the last time they wrestled. He is full-man now. I still don't see him beating Valencia.
  10. I don't know if anybody wins in those matches. We the fans definitely do not.
  11. He didn't have anything for Schultzy. The size and strength advantage he had three years ago is gone.
  12. I can believe it because I had heard it so many times. That said, he dismantled Boykin in a manner Amos hadn't been able to yet.
  13. Man... Schultzy us much larger than Coon.
  14. So Kueter looked very average and deserving if a lesser seed then he got injured. Unfortunate to see the latter part there.
  15. Yes. Kharchla is in the Consi of 16 #2 VS Cerniglia (Navy 157lber) who gave Labriola all he could handle. If he wins he faces McBryde (probably). McBryde is a big 79 KG guy but Kharchla is a better wrestler. It should be a good match. If he wins there he faces Marinelli. If he wins there he limely faces the winner if Nelson Brands and Devin Skatzka to get to the 7/8th Consi of 4 round. He has a very tough road. Sasso has Mizzou's Jacques in the semi-finals for a chance against the winner of Hidlay/Berger. Mendez is in U20s. He switched from Seniors 61 KG to U20s 65 KG a couple days ago.
  16. Bout 2247 (NEXT) on Mat 4 is of former UofM wrestlers in Nicky Skeletor and Austin Assad.
  17. 157lb Cerniglia of Navy was giving 174lb Labs all he could handle until the last 30 seconds of their match there.
  18. Nonono. That is badass is all. He was definitely undersized, though.
  19. If nobody hears from me for the next 24H please call the hospitals of Hartford, CT. Pantaleo... you broke my heart.
  20. Literally said this at the beginning of this thread.
  21. For those in need... https://arena.flowrestling.org/event/d2d22584-7c1b-43b0-9e92-b96a6d5cdb09
  22. 125 KG is so fukcing loaded. Fckn eh. Every first round match save for one is fire.
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