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Everything posted by nhs67

  1. Obviously I agree. That said the weren't pursuing a replacement. They approached him to simply ask him if they took the approach if he would be willing to go down to 141. I never said they actually pursued VV.
  2. I am not going to try to fuel the fucktart's ego, but he might also be 'remembering' his loss to Lujan as well... while also conveniently ignoring his losses to many other gents on the Freestyle scene.
  3. I believe the writing is on the wall for Valencia. If he were going to head to Mexico he would have already. Unfortunately for us gents who want to see him do that, if he competes at 92 KG, I believe he wins the spot for us. That gives him a shot at a medal at Worlds this year. If(when) he wins that medal the cost to transfer becomes considerably more.
  4. Someone needs to check on Minnow. Poor guy.
  5. I think frame-wise, Griffith to 174 makes more sense. I think peak potential from both are about the same at either weight class. What I mean by that is I do think Griffith could win at either weight, but could drop some matches that he shouldn't. At NCAAs I think Amine's peak is top of the mountain of the 2nd tier. I don't see him beating any of the 1st tier gents (O'Toole, Carr, Starocci).
  6. Looking at it, it'll probably be Gilcher as a True Frosh at 149 for Michigan unless they pull VV.
  7. I am still a bit upset about (potentially) losing Griffith... by proxy most likely Rowley as well. I believe Feldkamp is heading to OSU, too, so we still need a 197lber (unless Woodley can get another year going... even then?)...
  8. Blessed be the PortaPotter!
  9. The only politically correct method is to kill the messenger. For that I do not apologize. You hurt me bad.
  10. ... Didn't you say that he was incapable of bringing home a medal? Wasn't that your stance? It is okay for you to have an opinion. It is also okay for it to be wrong. Relax. It's okay.
  11. Also this just in - AOC has put forth a bill that will not allow members of the house or senate, or their employees, to be in the stock game.
  12. To your point it also provides a level of humanity to the process, as far as Michigan goes. They aren't just blindly trying to grab every talent up with the money bag tossing... I imagine that is case by case. Lamer likely is(was) much more important to their future plans than Maylor is(was) - when comparing VV/Cannon to Griffith.
  13. Well also this is from the same guy that told me when he was on redshirt that he wouldn't ever see 141 again and that he might be in the works to replace Lamer at 157 when he is gone. So there might be something to that, too. I can reach out.
  14. Eat a wet sac about it. Fight me. Edit: To be clear, I am playing around.
  15. Actually he sort of was. Per one of my guys, Michigan had talked to him about possibly dropping to 141 as they were considering making a run at VV. Then Cannon got got and now either Ragusin or Cannon are going 141. The did but also didn't recruit over him. Not sure if they are still looking at VV.
  16. That hurts. A lot. I hope he goes to Cal Poly, personally. Add Rowley with him it is an absolute win there.
  17. Even if there was one, he only has the two losses, period.
  18. This is an interesting question to delve in to. You could ask various questions and provide your own opinion to which weight is more... - Who lost the most - Who lost the most years - Who gained the most years - Who gained the least years in comparison to the amount of years they were trying to gain - All of this in relativity to not including that extra 'Covid' year - What sort of morale effects do any, all, or none of these do to those squads For example, Northwestern? To me they only 'lost' Cannon. DeAuggie and Davison would not be wrestling still if not for that 'extra free' year. Add in that Cannon is still a Grad Transfer with two (2) years left, and it could be argued that they didn't actually lose anybody. Michigan, though, even if Northwestern 'lost nobody' gained four AA years. They lose McHenry, who I still believe could have been AA potential (At 118lbs...), but I think Horwath will slide right in for four (4) years after DeAuggie is gone. So they didn't really 'lose' anybody. Iowa 'lost' on five (5) AA years, at the very least by missing on Nagao and Cannon both, respectively. If they don't get Griffith, add another AA year 'lost' to their tab. Oklahoma on pure personnel alone is losing a lot of potential AA years. They already have like... what... five (5) big boarders from the last two classes in the portal? That is a damned shame because Kish is going to do great things there. NDSU? Them losing their head coach, who everyone at NDSU believed in from top to bottom, will be the biggest loss in the portal, because people will leave and others won't go there. The only way that program can not enter full rebuild is if Obe is hired. Even then, I think we will see a drastic reduction in heavyweight talent there. Kish was their big guy coach. He's gone. Obe is a phenomenal lightweight coach. We could see some improvement there (although I would have expected it by now if that were the case?). Penn State? They gained at least four (4) AA years in the portal and because their recruits/wrestling were(are) active on the Freestyle scene they might not lose any potential AA years either. A lot of gain/loss is subjective to the coaching staff(s) and their creativity in being able to use gap years, redshirts, Oly-shirts, etc. It is a reason that Penn State is in an entirely different league than every other team and the reason why Michigan, Iowa, and other schools (yes there are other schools) are so willing to spend the money that they have to try to take home second place. As @Husker_Duput it in his most recent FW (a good listen if you haven't gents) - it is their JOB to try to field the best team. NCAA wrestling is the absolute highest level of Folkstyle wrestling in the world. It is our professional league. My apologies for the rant. Just my take on a few of them.
  19. Well you can't have my wife, I tell you! She. Is. Mine. So kindly, you will have to look for something(one) else, SER!
  20. For right now, though - which is what the question is for. No. It does not. I do hope that there are modifications to the rule to make it easy to attain once coaches change. A lot of reasons some of these guys go to these institutions are because of coaching, not because of the school. The schools should understand and respect that, for all sports, that retention of coaches needs to mean something.
  21. You really have that little faith in Teske that you are trying to replace him with someone you didn't even know existed an hour ago? He is an Iowa HS legend.
  22. All athletes have 30 days after their Head Coach resigns or is fired to enter the portal, free of penalty.
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