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Everything posted by nhs67

  1. FIFY Also, kind of fixed it all because I wanted to prevent any future aneurysm that might have happened... Also, also, just playing around. It's Friday. Let us lighten up a bit.
  2. I love his standup... I would still prefer a Ryan Reynolds voiceover.
  3. Were all of Nichols' and Brain's posts removed from HR?
  4. I wouldn't tell you if he did. I would, though, show you the TikTok with a Ryan Reynolds voiceover.
  5. Being as I am the center if the universe (think an old black Truman show... like if a shorter Sam Jackson did it 20 years ago), I would say $15 million would ve the standard here and back home in Miami. The closer to NYC I get though? Oof.
  6. To be frank, it's pretty much par for the course with him. Creepazoid calls himself Uncle Pat with the McCort kids.
  7. I don't necessarily think so. With the state of rich people's "I AM GRANDER THAN ALL" mentality, I wouldn't be surprised. Look how many politicians cheat on their wives of 46 years with 20 year old Division Street hookers that we hear about. How many do you think we don't hear about? Look at NBA players with 17 kids from 15 different cities. It happens. It's fckn wild. There is a certain threshold of money and power that when it's surpassed it can change you if your constitution is weak or if you just plain have no character morals to begin with.
  8. $27 million in SoCal, $22 million in the bay area, $18 million elsewhere. $32 million in NYC, $24 million elsewhere sans Buffalo, $3 million in Buffalo.
  9. I am not an Iowa guy, ergo my opinion on him is the same as it was a week or a month ago. NQ and needing the right draw to win matches. Honestly given his style I also wouldn't be surprised if he was a bit banged up and trudging through the season by the time conferences roll around. I would never hope that or predict that, though.
  10. I am hoping that he does a FW today. I also think Nichols might be bitter over something having not happened between the two. Perhaps he made an advance and she rebuked him or she made a comment in regards to the 'EW' factor involved with finding him attractive as a mate. All speculation and honeypot stirring, but I can tell you that I have seen it at various stages in the professional world involving much less wealthy men.
  11. For clarification I 'laughed' at your post because of the end. I would like to point out that PSU is still paying the cost of all that shit. They went through the justice systems both legally and socially in already and that is why people don't, or won't, take in to considerations the evil and vile things that plagued PSU football. The reason folks are so up in arms is because this is a current thing that has not seen any legal (it won't) or social justices provided towards it yet. The women's rights movement has been something, particularly in wrestling, that has been a very polarizing subject. Hell, even in other sports (think women's soccer). My opinion on this matter is that we (NCAA wrestling fans) are lucky that wrestling isn't a main stream sport. Being the biggest donor of one of the flagship programs of not only right now, but the better part of the last century, there are many people who love to whinge and hear their own words be read/heard that wrestling would be set back many years. I ask you now, what would make this right? Socially, that is... What people fail to understand here is that yes, okay, this guy is a giant cun...turdbiscuit. Sure. There is nothing legally wrong about him having his own opinions of a girl being floozy and loose with her sexual exploitations. It's a forum. She would likely get torn apart if she went through civil court. Socially there should be some repercussions. that is where I think the legalities could come in to play. If they take his name off the building, for example - does he sue? If he does, does he win? How bad does this make Iowa and NCAA wrestling look if it is drug out that way?
  12. Different weights. Even if both were the same weight I would favor VV. 149 has a slew of young guns that VV is a part of. Change of scenery and room he could make a large jump and be in the mid-AA range as well. Chittum peaked three years ago. Think Tsirtsis but three years ago was his NC year (potentially). Now he is up a weight and he hasn't had the horrific tragedy, but he has moved because of Daddy issues and other potential life threatening issues. I see Chittum as a NQ guy. The right draw might get him a win or two against softer foes.
  13. Also, good for Gomez. He can now focus on his senior level career, which I look forward to watching. I am curious if he goes 70 KG aftet the Olympics. Also, also, I noticed he said 'medical hardship AND not take his final year. Are those mutually exclusive to be the same or did he possibly have two years left?
  14. To be fair, Rowley has not left yet. He is in the portal. Slavikouski was in the portal for 18 months
  15. Wikipedia helped. I recognized the names. Also, I feel attacked.
  16. Is Pyle the Rosie or is he the Whoopi? I feel like Benji is Whoopi. JD is Bahar. Hrmmm... I like Kozak and Sparks, so I am going to say they're not current or former hosts. Maybe they could be Raven? She isn't so bad of a person.
  17. Well shit... Am I not allowed to come here for news and entertainment, just entertainment? Damn. Looks like I need to beg Minnow to unblock me so I don't have to logout of Twitter every time I want to get a good laugh on Twitter.
  18. I mean... I fckn hope that is the case. That would be awesome for wrestlers and wrestling in general if there were some place not only able to do it but actually doing it.
  19. I mine own defense, I said 'true' because his Freestyle weight was 97 KG and not 125 KG and he stayed very close to that.
  20. I competed against Roy Hall when I was growing up. That is how old I am.
  21. I think Hopke, Feldman, Carroll, Kueter. Hopke because I think by the time he steps on campus he will be able to beat the other three. I think Feldman ahead of Carroll because I think Feldman also will and would beat Carroll. Kueter at 4 for the same reasons. If Kueter were to take the wrestling only approach I have him at 1.
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