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Everything posted by nhs67

  1. Well shit I feel like a dumdum gumdrop. My apologies.
  2. I don't think that is culturally accurate.
  3. Huh? Stalrocci comes off arrogant and pompous and does himself very little favors when he opens his mouth or lets his fingers run on the twitterspheres.
  4. 2022 was his last... Yeah. Is he saying he is going to wrestle?
  5. Didn't he graduate like... two years ago?
  6. These are both fairly good points that I conveniently forgot. I don't really have a defense for it. The only thing I might think is that maybe Nickal wasn't on the up and up with the senior coaching staff like Brooks is.
  7. How do you mean? Nickal was already part-time. That is apples and oranges. Both are a fruit, but one deserved the focus there. AB is full-time. Even so, with DT and AB, DT deserves the focus more. He is the defending WC.
  8. I'd ***duck duck goose** that Roo up mega-bad. Make him my bitch.
  9. I can see that. Also, thinking realistically, I don't think we'll see as much shuffling as I would almost prefer in the pre-olympic collegiate year. I would almost prefer to see some guys be a bit more selfish. Like Stalrocci, for example. While I don't think his attitude is conducive to the NLWC mentality, I do think it is the appropriate approach. I think he should also seriously consider taking the Oly-shirt or flat out dropping to 165lbs if he intends to make a serious run at 74 KG. If he cannot do that he needs to consider 184lbs/86 KG. Being as I am sure he beats Truax out, I don't know what that would do internally. Cael likely tells him no. All this said, I do wish we saw more of our Freestyle gents gravitate more towards the weight class(es) that will suit their Oly runs better. - 125(+0.7) fits 57 KG (125.7lbs) - 141(-2.3) and 149(+5.7) fit 65 KG (143.3lbs) - 157(-6.1) and 165(+1.9) fit 74 KG (163.1lbs) - 184(-5.6) and 197(+7.4) fit 86 KG (189.6lbs) - 285 is the only one that properly fits 97 KG (213.8lbs) and 125 KG (275.6lbs) So 133 doesn't really fit any weight, so I would prefer to see Arujau and Fix both at either 141 or 125. Johnny D said 149 was better for him, but he never filled out to 149. I could see where 157 can go 74 KG just as easily at 165 (see Nolf, Jason), but I would think 165 would be better for that. A guy like KOT could go 174 and still drop, as he wouldn't be big (like Johnny D at 149). Pipe dreams.
  10. Honestly Brooks and Taylor already know each other's strengths and weaknesses intimately. They don't need to coaches to tell them what to work on. I imagine it is more of them telling to coaches what they want to work on. From there they are probably very tight-lipped about individual coaching strategies. NLWC and the guys leading them aren't the Brands Bros. They will be discreet and give them their fair shot. Furthermore I imagine that Brooks will STILL be Taylor's +1 at Worlds this year even after (if) he beats him. It is a different culture than the kill or be killed and it is why I don't think Stalrocci fits the mold anymore. Sure he wins. That is it. His mentality is a very selfish mentality to approach and I think that is why you don't see Nolf or Dake or any other NLWC (or Penn State) guy saying many things good about his character - where they do about each other and everyone else.
  11. He lost to guys they beat, more or less. Also, I think that he is a 174lber naturally so the grind of heavier and stronger guys got to him towards the end of the season. It isn't like if Salazar at Minny decided to head up to 197... he would still be jacked or if VT's Lewis goes up to 184... he would also be jacked then. Harman didn't grow in to 184.
  12. Smith, KOT, and Askren have said that this was the reason he went 165 as a true frosh. Had Mocco not opted to also go up to 174 KOT would have done a redshirt as a true frosh or had to have gone 174, because he was not going to push his (best) friend up a weight when he didn't want to go. I want KOT to go 174 this season, FWIW, with Mocco going back down. I want to see him take out another Natty Champ.
  13. If Lewis does go 184, what does that do for the VTech lineup? It puts Fisher out a season, unless he goes up and takes the spot from Smith AND Stewart (possible, but I don't know about that...). If this happens I would be all for Ulrey at 157, Andonian at 165, and Brady at 174 - or whoever wins it at 174 (Fisher drops?). Honestly I would just be for Andonian going 165 either way. I want to see him throw his hat in the ring at 74 KG and I think him going 165 helps him get used to the weight better before hand. Doesn't happen, probably, but I would like it to. Before I was all for Lewis going 165 again because he is massive at 174, but I also understood that him going 184 would still mean him taking 86 KG, rather than 74 KG, as a serious option.
  14. I hope he does and gives 86 KG a go just after the season. With Hidlay and Brooks moving up, it does clear the way for him. Starocci is clearly the best 174lber or 184lber in the country at this point. Yes I would take him over PK even if he were to bump from 174 to wrestle him in a dual. I can call him Stalrocci all I want... his method is the most effective we have seen under the specific rules for that season at 174lbs we have seen since... probably ever. For those curious 174 has only existed in 1932, 1948, and from 1999 until present day. Curious bit of information. Glen Brand was the 1948 174lb champion and was the last Brand to win a title until Tom and Terry changed their last name to Brands and went and decided change their name because there was actually two of them, which should be plural.
  15. I took so long reading through it and seeing so damn much wrong with it still. I see what you did there, though...
  16. I don't think it is the question. The question is does he take out Hoffman or does Hoffman hit the back 40 a year early.
  17. I also don't know about Amos at HWT. I believe he should ORS for two reasons: Health and Greco. It will allow him to grow into 97 KG for Greco to settle around 230 or so and it will allow him to heal up. Come college season he might be small, still, but his frame is considerably larger than Snyder's was - so I do not think he will be that small.
  18. I think Zargo will qualify, but 0-2 is likely. I think you are correct on Model. So make that a cap of four qualifiers with only two placing.
  19. I see nominally five qualifiers and two placers. Hamiti and Amos are the two placers. Hamiti as a 'should be' 3rd is highly inaccurate. He is 0-3 against Amine, 0-2 against Griffith, 0-1 against O'Toole, and 0-1 against Carr. If you are going to say 'should be' then 4th is the highest that he 'should be' come NCAAs since one of Amine or Griffith are going up to 174. I believe Amos has a peak of mid-AA as well. I would welcome being surprised. I don't see how you see a Top 10 finish here with those expectations.
  20. That wasn't true at the RTC cup. Bradley over Dhesi 5-2 Bradley over Wood 6-0 Bradley over Macchiavello 2-1
  21. I stand corrected... It was 2-1. https://www.flowrestling.org/collections/tag/125-kg/video?playing=6834264
  22. Seriously, I don't care if you're 93.1 KG, Cox. If Macchiavello can go up and contend with Bradley in a 1-0 or 1-1 loss... whatever it was... then you bet your ass that Cox can go up and contend there, too.
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