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Everything posted by nhs67

  1. Starocci - Blue Dragons Jr in Round 1 at 86 KG. Starocci is the 6 seed at 86 KG.
  2. https://www.themat.com/news/2024/april/15/men-s-freestyle-pre-seeds-released-for-u-s-olympic-team-trials-wrestling
  3. I agreed with your 174lbs thoughts prior. I have turned a corner there. There are those much more in the know who believe it to be the likely route.
  4. His dad just died. His head might just not be in it.
  5. Pot calling the kettle black, eh bud? Your pathetic response is pathetic. You said something that was statistically incorrect. You got called on your obviously biased ignorance. Someone else is the idiot. Right.
  6. Leave this here for you to choke on, since you want to dog on his (lack of) training partners...
  7. You said he had nobody to push him. That is what you said. If you are saying that about Askey than it must be true for everyone else in and around his weight as well, especially Miller at 165lbs, who had a statistically identical season as Askey.
  8. So the guy that qualified this year at 165 was not there this year? Another 25 win guy the next weight down this year in Byers was also not there this yead? Also the qualifiers from the year prior at 149 and 165 while he was on redshirt weren't there when he was there on redshirt? Your statement was wrong and it is okay to be wrong - you just need to own it and move on.
  9. I think were we to add Women's Greco we would see a reduction to four weight classes per style. That would make 16 weights with 4 medals per weight compared to 18 weights with 4 medals per weight that we curtently have. Edit: Speaking purely Olympics not UWW. I could also see 5 per for Olympics.
  10. You do understand that USA Wrestling is not the IOC? I was being dramatic to be dramatic before. I need you to understand, though, that the IOC does what the IOC does and that what USA Wrestling says or does has very little to no effect on that.
  11. Anyone who doesn't understand that we are closer to 4 weights instead of 10 has not been paying attention.
  12. The IOC could care less what the USA Wrestling Executive Director is doing at any singular point in his past, present, or future lives. They won't even leave him on Read. His emails to them don't even get opened except when they select all and Mark All as Read.
  13. We will lose a style before we gain weight classes at the Olympics and it might not be MGR that is the one that is cut.
  14. Which tells me that Bennett isn't disliked or hated by the mob, just an individual or two.
  15. He has kind of fallen off in his output, being outperformed by younger wrestlers. Also this. A lot of what is happeng there has actually been glazed over because of Belarus and Russian wrestlers being banned, but the Indian Federation has actually been banned as well and not the wrestlers.
  16. It fit. You nailed it, my man.
  17. I would be all for that so long as they had New York style cheesecake, Grape drink, steak, and rum... the perfect dessert mix for a desert island.
  18. Is it Chittum style 2 for 1 or...?
  19. Askey had nobody to push him? Millner, Miller, and Formato just didn't ever exist, then?
  20. Nah, bro. No crow there, regardless of whom it might end up being. You (and I) just want what is best for CMU insofar as what might be a competitive thing and it just happens that we have differing opinions.
  21. I hope he is okay. To not attempt 65 KG likely means the attempt to descend has hurt him.
  22. Why would he not give 65 KG an attempt?
  23. Sometimes there is like a notification box that will pop up and say something like 'Running in Mobile Mode' or something and if you click it then it will take you to the desktop version and use it as your preference on that device.
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