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Everything posted by nhs67

  1. The other it could be is this...
  2. Make sure you have those options selected.
  3. Of course the one time I want to do something semi-productive on this forum, my mobile decides to act a fool w/ connectivity.
  4. If I can get my mobile to upload a couple screenshots I think I know what it is.
  5. I ask because I did something similar before.
  6. Is it only for your mobile?
  7. Nah, I am not that clever. You give me far too much credit.
  8. O'Toole is going 174 per his long-time coach and mentor Ben Askren.
  9. Did he compete, though? I don't really recall a single sweat he broke. Edit: Bah. I had a long elaborate trolljob planned in which I said something along those lines, but I am honestly bored.
  10. Steveson didn't compete in college after his title, ergo he was no longer a college student.
  11. Nah bro. Inflation.
  12. @Husker_Du, give us the dets, Brain.
  13. Mine was an added, or additional, remark to yours. I don't see it being Shawver that sits, providing he comes back.
  14. I don't need to. I have been in the room dozens of times in the late 80s, early 90s and I have kids that I have mentored go through there very recently.
  15. It was redundant, I am sorry for misleading. He was the starter prior to injury, then Hill took over.
  16. You didn't read what I said. My statement was 100% accurate.
  17. Wasn't he the starter pre-injury in 2023?
  18. One of those didn't step on a college match again after his Olympic Gold, so... The other was 60 years ago, so... (irrelevant)
  19. Jacob Butler would also like a word.
  20. Looks like Ruth of Illinois intends to go 184lbs next season for the Illini.
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