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Everything posted by nhs67

  1. He didn't take a hiatus, he was kicked off teams (plural) because he us a wannabe thug.
  2. No he didn't. He weighed in at 88.2 KG. Besides the point and splitting hairs. He knew. No way every soul in State College did not know. If 100 people knew, Bo was one of them. If 1,000,000 knew, Bo was one of them. If only one knew, it was Bo.
  3. Folks been saying to VTech as the AHC, yeah?
  4. You act as if he has any sort of allegiance to him, though. He doesn't. Bo knew.
  5. He didn't lie to Zahid. He didn't say anything to Zahid. Zahid is irrelevant to anything for that. His coaches weren't honest to Nickal. DT wasn't the only one in the know on that and if you think it was only him, you are wrong. His coaches were also... Nickal's coaches?! WHAAAAT!? Nickal knows a considerable amount more about that situation than he has ever let on and most importantly, they have(had) the same coaches.
  6. Legit read this as Starocci and for a microsecond was thrilled.
  7. Well first off it also shows that nobody, absolutely nobody, saw BDJ's last fight at 185lbs. He looked soft, physically. Very soft. He also looked extremely out of shape. His success when he was out rep was due to grit, athleticism, physicality, and a hellacious tank in comparison to the rest of the gents who participated at our trials that year. He has none of that now. His path the year he won didn't have anybody that was a contender any other year, before or after, though... so I think our sampling plan is very limited. Add in that at Worlds he lost to a guy via Tech that lost the next round to Myles Amine and I really thing that shows you that most of his success was also due to who wasn't entered as much as it was that he won the matches required. Also earlier at Pan Ams, he had a result against Torreblanca that was... less than stellar (in comparison to Amine as well).
  8. This is abso***duck**inglutely wild to me...
  9. Guys... Beerfest is basically a re-enactment of the summer after my True Frosh year and the happenings of the University of Michigan wrestling team. We inspired greatness. You wouldn't believe where the bit about Das Bewt came from... or more importantly... whom it is inspired by.
  10. There will never be a more public gangster than Mike Tyson.
  11. Nolf looked considerably larger against him as well.
  12. The world of Twatter is insurmountably more entertaining when Blue Dragons Jr is active. Guy is a treasure.
  13. Legally the school can't say "Coleman next topic." so Pyle must also play along. It is cross office politics is all. What they're saying insofar as if a DT type guy were to throw his hat in the ring is also absolutely true.
  14. This is me. Also his articles are can be difficult to read at times due to a high level of spelling and grammatical errors. Add in that he uses polarizing terms that are very rarely true (lock, always, certain etc.) as well as he misremembers results that are very easy to verify against (or for). I absolutely love the guys style, though, and the fact that he is still quite young gives me hope that he will be fine.
  15. The thread title is 'Rumours' so it fits in every scenario and every scenario fits.
  16. Nolf destroyed him last time. Zero sweats broken.
  17. Styles make matches, for sure. I like Mendez over Green, but not McKenna. I like Green over McKenna.
  18. You werr listening to an obviously Penn State biased gent and complained that he was obviously biased? You don't listen to him much?
  19. He got controlled his last time against Bradley.
  20. These are technically preseeds. He could show up st 74 KG and be drawn in.
  21. Grad transfers don't have to abide by the portal rules the same way as the others.
  22. So Starocci is clearly not 'all' healthy. Did they have the winner of Starocci-Blue Dragons Jr against Thicclay just in case Blue Dragons Jr does get past a heavily injured Starocci? Imagine him taking a thump to the dome from a full-sized Thicclay.
  23. Green at the 3 seed is preposterous. He has like 40 losses at 65 KG and no wins.
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