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Everything posted by nhs67

  1. Is this a serious question? It wasn't a question as to ethics or morals or ego or anything mental... it was an actual physical limitation exceeded. When one tears, you must do more with the other. Have you never had an injury?
  2. I keep forgetting that Brands is in that list as well. At least Cobe has a 'replacement' for the season. If they intend to go that 'Oly' route I expect him (Brands) to enter the Open in December.
  3. I would lean towards your being correct, although I do not actually know. If they can get an appeal so it isn't season-long, maybe? It is bullshit that Fix can test positive for PEDs amd no sort of ethics infraction is enforced so he can Oly-shirt but Cassioppi and crew can't bet on their own school?
  4. It isn't a typical redshirt, though. It is an Olympic.
  5. If not, you can bank on Cassioppi going for an Olympic shirt. Assad also qualifies.
  6. I was hoping to actually see him at 149 or 165 for an attempt at Olympic aspirations.
  7. Unfortunately it happens quite often due to over-compensation. More so back in my days...
  8. It is interestingly funny that you put these and in this order. Most everyone else's order is the same, but they are 2-4 with '1' being something along the lines of 'Willie bought a stake in Hostess so he could get free Twinkies.'
  9. Indiana makes sense if Gilcher uses his Oly-shirt.
  10. Day before weigh-ins, ~36 hours for 145 =/= 149 on two hours. Edit: Also no cutting rules for MMA.
  11. Aside for WNO he ran it at 152 his senior season in HS. Going 141 nevetlr made sense.
  12. Those big three penny hookers down at The Pink Pony of Hillsborough and Lois in Tampa don't count, Brain. Do better.
  13. We thinking Swiderski redshirts for 157 in 24-25 and Ech holds the spot for Johnson?
  14. Legit just the administration. No effect on athletes and their coaches.
  15. UWW suspends India's wrestling federation... https://uww.org/article/wrestling-federation-india-provisionally-suspended?fbclid=IwAR1JvCDoDP8VqVkHzBgwB181OZZww1XXx7cmijBjcNlPH3fpS6_q3n1F-Fc
  16. Pretty sure we all sort of agreed on this around tourney time as well? I know it came up.
  17. Where did I ever say he was beating any of them? Also, doesn't Jordan have high school shit left to do? Why are you dogging on a 16 year old?
  18. On the surface that does seem a bit off, I agree. Did Kaylor get pinned a time or three towards the end of the season?
  19. To be fair, neither have wrestled many. McHenry has wrestled an average of 4.5 matches per season in the four previous years and Howard an average of 4.3 in his three previous years.
  20. nhs67


    HFS I am for it... this sucks for Stanford, though.
  21. Again... if he is healthy. That is a 'need to see' to believe scenario for me and it should be for anybody who is a fan of NCAA D1 wrestling. All of this said, in their limited action (McHenry and Howard) they have earned themselves a rating of #28 (Howard) and #32 (McHenry), respectively. Those are off results that happened. As I said from the start, they are comparable. That was all. There was no reason for you to get all uppity about it, even if he is a Juzzy Boi.
  22. This is a complete unknown. He is a tough wrestler when not healthy. He has established that. He hasn't been healthy in the better part of a decade. That is significant when talking about someone who is barely older than twenty.
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