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Everything posted by nhs67

  1. Even taking a year off, though, the gap widened between him and Parris.
  2. Greetings All, Appears the final list is here... https://arena.uww.org/weight-category/1ee3cbae-f1ff-6c1c-96f1-d54d04edeeec
  3. Steveson. He was entered and the favorite.
  4. You have wiffle-waffled over this now a few times. First you won then you saw you lost so you changed the terms then it was brought up again and you said you won again and it was pointed out that you're a ponce and lost so you changed again to the 'I never agreed so I don't owe crap' Cinny Jimmabon mixcuse. It's pathetic. You're supposed to be smarter than this. Be smarter.
  5. Bud. You already said you don't want to be here. Cancel yourself already. You understand the gent in your avatar would think your attempts here are and were pathetic, right? He wouldn't have the patience for this bullshit and wouldn't have given you the time of day.
  6. Entries is updated... https://arena.uww.org/weight-category/1ee3cbae-f1ff-6c1c-96f1-d54d04edeeec
  7. I wish I knew. I just know it isn't the old one because someone else took it on a whim as a joke.
  8. Nothing wrong with more than a mouthful if you know how to use your mouth.
  9. That TBar was not TBar. That was someone else making the name trying to have a little 'trollinese' fun and actually succeeding a bit. It sucks that we will never have the actual TBar as TBar. KMF is here. He always has been.
  10. Inflation would be just over $1.3k... Add in a 100% interest rate for wasting everyone's time and that is $2.6k. I believe someone once said something about 'Never betting unless I know I will win...' meaning they now (ten years ago) have gone against their personally ingrained 'standards' of which they live by. Interesting. Even for a Keyboard Warrior Supremo.
  11. Someone stole his old bbs name of TBAR so now he must frequent as a different moniker.
  12. Swiderski was redshirtting this year and heading to 157 for next season either way.
  13. This doesn't exist and never will. He is GOAT of all. Period.
  14. Okay gents... was iust thinking how so many are using their extra years and it got me thinking about those.who aren't. Rocky Jordan, 174 UT Chatt (tOSU) - He appears to not be returning. He is not listes on the roster or on Wrestlestat. He could just be doing a '2nd Semester' sort of thing. He was basically part time last year since he prioritized fishing tournaments over wrestling. Kyle Chochran, 184 Maryland - This is more of a last year but potentially this year as well. He could have deferred enrollment last year and/or use his redshirt proper as his first omlne appears to have been medically related. He made leaps his 2nd season at 184. if he were to enter the portal I imagime Michigan and Iowa would be strong suitors.
  15. I like Hoffman. I also want the Geog era to start. It makes me wish Hoffman would Grad transfer on out, were he eligible.
  16. It would be nice if Wilcox were to make the drop and compete for the spot as well.
  17. Your existence initiate it at this point. Move on.
  18. Bummer (for us). Appreciate the time you took to even respond, then. Safe travels, mate.
  19. That wasn't what I was doing. I was genuinely asking out of concern for your health and well-being. Very hypocritical of you to assume. You have been absolutely bonkers and that isn't a good sign of mental health either. In any case... weren't you trying to ban yourself? The easiest way to do that is to log out and don't log back in. You get what you want. Win-win for everyone there.
  20. "HE" as in you? Why are you speaking in third person? Isn't that the 4th level of delusion, pre-Alzheimer's but well in to the dementia stages?
  21. I am so waiting for the table on this one. Those are good shit.
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