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Everything posted by nhs67

  1. Isn't the answer the same today as it was yesterday? If you accept the Fjord Chris Christie in to your wife you win? If not I have a bone to pick with someone else about their boning of my wife.
  2. I thought it was officially called 'penfellered' now? Please confirm @Maxwell Smart.
  3. Even that. Also even when BDJr 'won' the 86 KG spot for worlds. He doesn't get an asterisk due to DT being out.
  4. That link has been adjusted to include only one US Gent, unfortunately.
  5. Whoever takes the mat is who takes the mat. We don't use asterisks in this business - you should know better.
  6. Due to the extra Covid years and all this it has to be this, next, or last year right? Maybe year before last? 22, 23, 24, 25 will be the deepest seasons.
  7. Does he at least owe CKWC $2600 ($1k*2) when factoring inflation) for being a turdbiscuit? Asking for a friend.
  8. To me it looks like "Wrestle Known Oth Ing"
  9. You can't twist this in to an Iowa bashfest. We are busy piling on the turdbuscuit.
  10. Pathetic. It isn't cancel culture. It's desperation.
  11. You are essentually asking to be canceled and then saying you are okay with that happening. That means it wouldn't be cancel culture.
  12. Do we not come to these forums for entertainment? Well done, you.
  13. Page 5 of 5. Weasel words are the true victors. There was no inferring even being attempted or insinuating until BB lost the bet. Then he weaseled out of it. Under technicality, @jrossis correct. It was clear that BB weaseled out of having to pay by saying he inferred a different set of dates. There was no reason for anybody to believe otherwise aside for himself which was a deliberate attempted at being a turdbiscuit (you know what I am saying here, gents). I must applaud his tenacity in claiming he won that exchange. He lost. Everybody lost and left the thread even more stupid than before they entered it as a direct result of his (BB) poor attempt at being a turdbiscuit. For that and that alone he should have to donate $2k to CKWC for having wasted my time twice now. The first time in 2012 and the second time just now.
  14. Okay. Through Page 4 of 5. Still painful.
  15. Guys. I am only on Page 2 of 5. This is great shit.
  16. You don't read good, do you? I already replied to that and agreed with @Le dukeon the matter above. Try more hard.
  17. Also, Kasak as GS would allow him to come in right after SVN. I just am not sold on Sealey. Which also goes a long way towards my concerns with Ryder, being as he just beat Ryder last year down at 152, correct?
  18. Crap I knew I missed Haines. I think Haines takes whatever weight he wants, 165 or 174. I couldn't pick which weight. I don't see it with Sealey. I think he is a 157lber and I think Kasak will end up being better than him. Kasak could end up dropping to 149 after SVN and then Sealey is in at 157. I didn't mean to forget Haines. I think he takes whatever weight he ends up wanting there and I am not going to put Messenbrink above Facundo until I see him in the lineup. So if Haines were to 'choose' 174 then I would say Facundo at 165.
  19. In two years this is what I want... 125 - Davis 133 - Nagao 141 - Lilledahl 149 - SVN 157 - Kasak 165 - Messenbring 174 - Facundo 184 - Barr 197 - Mirasola 285 - Mirasola
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