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Everything posted by nhs67

  1. I reserve the right to enter my predictions when I see the brackets.
  2. He did... but we all know that was a sham until he could go be with his brother at Iowa.
  3. You know what is going to be impressive, and folks would rather pile on and dog on 'em for it...? Iowa is probably still going home with a trophy this year, even with three of their high AA favorites out. That is with the reduction of 'team' trophies being reduced from four to three.
  4. Well... it's what heroes do... use of proper terminologies.
  5. You may be correct. He may have left to join at Iowa. It's been a bit.
  6. NC State and VTech have been just as successful as any program not named Iowa or Penn State the last fifteen years.
  7. The real nhs quit using keggers like 2 weeks before the forum shut down. He may or may not have been hacked by then. (l a s t w o r d)
  8. Koll will be there until he retires. By that time he will have his predecessor already in place and UNC will be right in the thick of Tier 1 in the ACC (or B1G if they are there then - which I think they will be... which means Tier 2 there behind Penn State). Terry just hasn't run a top tier program as the CEO like Tom does and has been doing. He left the UTC job to be Tom's assistant at VTech. He has been the primary guy to focus on development, but he has never been a CEO like Tom, Koll, or Cael (BLESSED BE HIM AND ALL THAT IS HIS). I fully believe if he gets a smaller program (I am thinking a smaller B1G, B12, or ACC) he would vastly improve it very quickly. Recruits would follow to be with him and in his first class to be 'those guys' that changed the program.
  9. Same gents that were at the old forum. They found a good home. Similar setup to here and the old forums. Probably better, even, as they don't have a bunch of dolts running amok being dolts. They can stay rather focused on their conversation(s).
  10. What? I actually track all the weights. My college weight was was 134. I don't track 61 KG near as much as I do 65 KG or 74 KG. (l a s t w o r d)
  11. Both of those via the moniker of TBar (new/old) wish they were as cool as me. (l a s t w o r d)
  12. That was the old bbs. There is no reason to think that even the name could be someone else. Hell... I might not be the old nhs67. Anyone ever think of that? O.o (l a s t w o r d)
  13. Possibly the best, for the weight, wrestler they have had.
  14. Unfortunately they were preemptive in trying to find a new home. Brain did good by us here and we trusted that. That said, the Irani-gents were a bit more aggressive in finding a new home and had found that place weeks in advance. By the time this one was flowing, they were set.
  15. I feel as if Wkn already did this a year or two ago? It isn't even close. They're the top Bridesmaid.
  16. How many NC does the entire PAC12 conference have combined have in 16 years (hint: It's less)? Using your logic he should be a more successful HC than every single coach that has coached in the P12?
  17. Princeton has (had?) a solid class this last and next year lined up.
  18. It actually sucks to not be pumped for it. Uguev, Sidakov, and Sadulaev were all taking part in pro-war antics... there is photographic proof of it and Ukraine has put their list out to sanction them. Based on criteria they should not be allowed.
  19. He got taken to the woodshed. It was embarrassing and he showed just how Karen his personality is. It is doubly embarrassing that he is a Spartan grad. FFS guy HFS.
  20. Add a 'C' to that, bud. Thiccc. Even frame-wise he is smaller, though. I didn't just mean weight-wise.
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