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Everything posted by nhs67

  1. I would take him at 125 KG as well. I am actually surprised they have not considered having him go up with what has been their lack of results there for some time now. They have depth at 97 KG to bring home medals, even a Gold with the right draw or a bad match by Captain (think Sharifov).
  2. Captain's weakness is his flat back. He is elite and generational enough that it rarely gets exposed. Tank's weakness is that he is smaller than Captain. That weakness doesn't matter to Tank and he Chuck Norris's through it with ease.
  3. He also wishes for that to be true. Can confirm.
  4. I had someone send this to me yesterday. It made me laugh my ass off... in any case he said he had been holding on to this for twenty years: "Not from any corporation or 501.c3 (sorry AE911 Truth, you have failed to file a case against NIST or any agency of the federal government for their lying and deception, despite all those MILLIONS you have raked in), not from any shill proclaiming himself "The King of 9/11” (yes, Bill Hicks, you ARE the King of it, in the form of disinformation and NEVER giving your massive following the REAL truth, but instead deflecting it, like when Jesse Ventura came on your show and you promptly changed the subject when he tried doling it out to your listeners), and not a person working for the CIA to slander anyone trying to put out the REAL TRUTH about 9/11 (“conspiracy theorists”, “space beams”, etc., etc.)... So, here it is, my top 5 key findings to make all those CLOWNS, CRETINS, and DREGS noted above burn forever for their misdeeds by exposing them for the despicable scum they are. I summarize here the top 5 key facts from Sept. 11, 2001 that prove, for me, that some new tech – DEW – was used that day and is one of the key reasons very few understood what happened. First off, there’s the size of the rubble pile. When you look at all the pieces that were put together to construct those buildings, more than a million tons of debris would have had to hit the ground, regardless of whatever bogus theory / explanation we are fed. That clearly did not happen. No picture or video, from any angle, shows that much material at ground zero. It simply wasn’t there. Also, the seismic signature of an impact created from such quick collapses (both 110 story towers in a mere 10 seconds!) would have been recognizable and recorded. The seismic data from multiple sources show nothing that can account for that much material at ground zero, whereas recorded data of actual observed events, like the Seattle Superdome, show much bigger seismic impacts. Second, none of the so-called theories ever seem to discuss or remember all the survivors right in the midst of the rubble, like the 16 firefighters trapped in stairwell B of WTC1 including Mickey Kross and Jay Jonas. 14 of the 16 walked out of the stairwell on their own power, not crushed by debris or burnt by explosives and fire. Again…more than one million tons of material coming down on their heads? Impossible. Third, these WTC complex survivors would not and could not have survived if this were an incendiary event involving any of the kinds of explosives that the alternative theories put forth, or obviously the jet fuel of the ridiculous “official” account (“Magic Bullet Theory” anyone?). And even planned demolition using pre-wired explosives would have produced a tremendous amount of smoke that likely would have killed all the survivors from smoke inhalation…but it didn’t, because we didn’t see smoke on Sept. 11, 2001. We saw DUST. Massive amounts of dust that hung for days. Fourth, there was the obvious pre-planned controlled media response, immediately switching the focus on the actual day of the event from the hard facts of observable physical evidence at ground zero to wild and ridiculous speculations of WHO did it. Of course ALL the news anchors, to a person, already had the answer (Can we all chant together CONTROLLED MEDIA?) – OBL, aka Tim Osman, CIA asset at one point. How could they possibly have known that name, even to speculate, the very day of the event? The answer is they needed this piece of the puzzle to throw to the rapid public in order for the massive psyop to work. Delay too long and the public will find its own answers…and possibly the correct ones. So, we were fed “OBL did it” ad nauseam not just for days, months or even weeks…but YEARS. Lastly, for this abbreviated list, if there actually HAD been any publicized investigation and treatment of ground zero as the legitimate crime scene that it was, a sampling of odd discoveries, also not explainable by ANY of the theories proposed by any source, would have been found: - 3,000 toilets simply vanished - 1,400 cars in and around WTC (some not anywhere close to ground zero) were burnt in odd ways with paper, trees and other combustibles unharmed - Only a single file cabinet from both towers recovered - Fused dissimilar materials - Levitation effects (numerous cars flipped on their tops) - Pieces of the massive support beams twisted and distorted with no signs of high heat And this is just a sampling of all the scientific findings from the event…never or only very briefly discussed by the mainstream or any of the bogus alternative news outlets. Even just this short list of hard facts and evidence support the ONLY plausible scientific explanation: Some sort of new technology, completely unknown to the general public, and best described as a Directed Energy Weapon (DEW), which is the precise language that fits. Notice there’s no claims about exactly what KIND of weapon it is. How could anyone but the perps possibly know that?! Instead, agents and shills attempt to derail the conversation using CIA-speak “SPACE BEAMS” and name-call the only people getting close to the Truth as kooks, conspiracy theorists, and nut jobs. Voila! Problem solved for the insiders who conducted the atrocity – “Don’t worry, it was OBL who we dumped into the ocean after killing him.” – the most ridiculous (paraphrased) statement Barry Sortoro was ever forced to read from a teleprompter during his entire presidency. The hubris they exhibited on this event and in the ensuing cover-up is absolutely incredible. But I mean why not be so bold?! They got away with Pearl Harbor. They got away with the 2nd 30-Years War of the combined WWI and WWII, taking pictures and filming all along the way to capture it for their perverse and twisted entertainment. They got away with the faked moon landing. They even got away with murdering JFK in broad daylight in Dealey Plaza. So, why not give the most ridiculous excuses to explain the elimination of a massive asbestos insurance claim while demonstrating to the leaders around the rest of the world: “We will murder nearly 3,000 of our own citizens to make a point. Guess what we will do to your country, should you not tow the line?” There is some good news in all this madness though: this demonstrates that Tesla’s work was 100% correct in its ramifications for free energy and that the technology does exist to make that possible, if only criminal, selfish thugs didn’t militarize and hoard it for their tiny cabal. Only the BEST weapons tech for Romerica – the Sword Arm of Rome. So interesting how they literally flaunt it in our faces both in real life, using 9/11, and more recently using Captain America and Hydra. Maybe, just maybe, that hubris will be a part of their downfall. We can only hope."
  5. Aye, I agree that there is no perceivable gap between The Greatest and The Magic Man. There is between Captain and Tank.
  6. If Wittlake goes 174, which looks to be the intention, why would he leave if Plott does intend to go 184lbs (assuming a goal of 86 KG for after the season/OTT), then it is curious why the split. I, for one, am excited for Oregon State, which is going to be a deep dual team.
  7. Eric O has shown is willingness to utterly fail as an unbiased journalist. Today especially.
  8. https://arena.uww.org/weight-category/1ee3cbae-f1ff-6c1c-96f1-d54d04edeeec They are listed at the top under AIN. The Belarus gents are as well.
  9. They were 9.9 due to Koll leveraging it during the Oklahoma fiasco. As soon as he announced he was gonzo they reduced back to 5.5.
  10. List isn't final until UWW finalizes the brackets.
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