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Everything posted by nhs67

  1. I think they might just be waiting for some of the mats to catch up? They shouldn't be waiting until QF are over.
  2. Additionally... did I mention the app is absophukingtrash?
  3. Parris beat Deng this year already 5-0, fwiw.
  4. Shit... I think he beat Cox in the semifinals the year he won Silver. How is that fake?
  5. And yet he still won a Worlds Silver. I never won a Worlds Silver. I thought I could - couldn't. EDIT: He also won Bronze last year, fwiw.
  6. I don't think either looked any different than they have the last two or three seasons.
  7. He embarrassed Zahid 10-0 earlier this year, I believe.
  8. Makoev is a former worlds silver is he not? How many other worlds silvers are in the field at 86 KG?
  9. One to watch at 86 KG is Ishiguro of Japan. I believe he will make the semi-finals against Yazdani. Amine will have to wrestle a fresh version of him for Bronze (I think).
  10. I am surprised he hasn't been put on the clock three times by now. International Refs tend to do to favor that.
  11. Semi-finals are 1:00 PM today rather than 12:00 PM Noon like the rest of Worlds. I believe US - Eastern time for that.
  12. Amine hit with a C1 - Fleeing. Down 2-1 to China after about one minute.
  13. Conyedo is just trying to not wrestle here, it seems. He did attempt to open up a bit more against Parris last time and it did cost him - so I don't blame him.
  14. Geno is channeling his inner-Steveson. He knows he will need to to take out Parris.
  15. If you are Parris, did you want Conyedo and Deng in subsequent matches prior to the semi-finals (potentially) or did you want fresh faces to get more/different feels?
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