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Everything posted by Antitroll2828

  1. Has to be as a graduate transfer this would be his 3 transfer maybe 4th I don’t remember if he decomitted from nc state or left ..tough break he probably would’ve scored more points then Williams but I understand ok state going with the freshman with big potential
  2. Yes serious lol he grew up like 40 minutes from me we re around the same age I can remember watching him win a state title in middle school and hit flips to celebrate
  3. This is awesome , he’s going to get paid , they are going to show up to and bring attention to a Nebraska dual meet next year , just awesome to turn a negative into a positive and get some eyes on wrestling
  4. Darrion Caldwell tried to spladle me , I saw it coming and just gave him the cradle instead lol he spladled alot of guys in high school and I wasn’t joining that club
  5. What’s your point? Those are going to be the top 2 guys at the weight once Kerk is gone , I believe Mullen has a win over pitzer
  6. Mullen potential is unreal , he could’ve went down as the greatest NJ high school wrestler ever but decided to go to pan am instead of states the Covid season , he was never even close to losing a match ,football or no football his ceiling his a lot higher then catka and he’s going to pass him quickly if he hasn’t already
  7. I edited that like an hr ago it was autocorrect
  8. amine was an Olympic medalist already when they wrestled, his only loses his final 4 years were Hall, Zahid, Brooks and Ferrari. . He just teched 4x AA Elam and pinned now 2x 3rd place finisher Buchanan in the 1st period , those 2 are the mostly the favorites at 197 going into next season
  9. I mean brooks beat Keckheisen like 4 times and he just bonused this way through ncaas…brooks also beat 5x AA and Olympic bronze medalist Myles Amine in another final, Hidley is not even close to the best guy he’s faced
  10. Returning AAs who missed the year with inj, Ventresca, Cannon, Shane Van Ness , Sasso, Loew 3 NJ guys here and foca and poz losing in the R12 led to a real down year in terms of AAs for NJ , should rebound nicely next year
  11. Past AA- D’Augustino, McKee, Kaylor , Camacho, CJ Composto, Matthews, Abas,brayton lee, Jackson Turley , Lou Deprez , John Poznanski
  12. Just returning AA from last season - Latona , Nagao, Carlson, D’Emilo , Maueller , Blockus, Scott, Lewan, Amine,Hamiti , Foca, Mocco, Feldcamp julian Ramirez , Gavin Kane
  13. 2nd AA Kraisser AAed when Kolat was coach
  14. Did rocky have a case of HEW this year? Seemed like a different guy , is he definitely coming back?
  15. Uh Anthony Robles had his entire life to prepare to wrestle with one leg at ncaas , starocci had 12 days and the leg was still there for people to grab and twist and use against him , what a ridiculous comparison I’ve been waiting to use the new clown emoji
  16. Don’t forget about Tony Negron almost knocked off salazar round 1
  17. Van ness beat Henson , he beat Parco last year and then again this year at the all star ,he had yianni on the ropes and his only loses are to yianni , Sasso, Murin and Gomez all guys he ll never see again and that was after not competing for pretty much 2 years
  18. Won his 4th title on one leg with a freshly torn up knee in the most physically grinding tournament in the world , beat 2 ncaa champs back to back (3rd and 4th place finishers) they didn’t come close to scoring on him , then blanked the dude in the finals he gave 0 points to the 2nd 3rd and 4th place guys while physically compromised, that’s Kyle Dake level stuff
  19. Albert White from Harvey twisters is an assistant at LR him and Bailey been close for years, that’s how they got him and that’s how they plan on keeping him when all the vultures swoop in
  20. Starocci should’ve have gotten OW -shut out ncaa champs back to back then blanked his opponent in the finals all on one leg
  21. How does the undefeated and now 4x champ not get it , Hidley is the only opponent he didn’t bonus and that’s because he spent as much time as he could backing up . The award would become a joke if he doesn’t get it
  22. Rby could’ve came back again this year and didn’t , Cassar passed up years ..penn state isnt Iowa where guys wrestle til their limbs fall off
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