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Everything posted by 1032004

  1. Outside of the antics, Anthony wouldn’t score more than like a point at NCAA’s. And I’m not sure AJ does much better at this stage. I’d be shocked if those 2 get on the roster now (so I guess I should’ve taken the under on my other thread). The main question to me now is will Iowa still want Angelo/will Angelo still want to go there, and if one of those is a no, will anyone else want him?
  2. I wish his wrestling was more exciting at least. His stance when he’s actually standing up is so weird, the wrestling from his knees, letting guys stand up so he can drop to a double, it’s kinda brutal to watch but I guess it works. He did actually get a turn from top in this match though…
  3. I think it’s noteworthy, considering he wasn’t even wrestling an opponent that could actually challenge him, and you know people are gonna be looking for reasons to criticize him which this will give them
  4. The fact that everyone knows he won’t be wrestling isn’t the issue with why he’s not ranked?
  5. The Iowa linebackers coach confirmed Cassioppi isn’t expected to wrestle this season
  6. I mean I wasn’t studying them, but he did look smaller to me in the Iowa photos than others he’s posted in the past few months
  7. Yup. The other guy (uncle I presume?) in particular’s t-shirt is definitely cringe. I also got a kick out of “bag secured”
  8. He does not yet appear to be enrolled. But I don’t see why he would have just cut 20 lbs or so if he wasn’t expecting to wrestle this season
  9. Which of Gomez and Cassioppi is an NCAA champ?
  10. I don’t think they did. Gomez isn’t suspended. You bring some good discussion, but your trolling (and obsession with calling out whenever someone says Stevenson) gets annoying.
  11. Iowa’s linebackers coach confirmed he’s not expected to wrestle this season
  12. Outside of the obvious, he’s been on the roster and not starting. Gomez was just added.
  13. How many of the kids were there on the boys and girls clubs scholarships, and how good were they?
  14. He’s on the roster https://mgoblue.com/sports/wrestling/roster
  15. Don’t they need to have an Italian grandparent or something to be eligible?
  16. Yes this was brought up earlier, I’m just skeptical wrestling teams are getting much of that scholarship money
  17. Correct but haven’t football and basketball also been majority minority for awhile? I have no idea, are a high % of the players on private school football and basketball teams on scholarships and how does that compare to the % of wrestlers on scholarships on private school teams?
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