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Everything posted by 1032004

  1. On one hand I'm curious to see what the rest of the production looked like, on the other I'm getting bored watching 5 minutes of whatever this bidding is for before the Mendez/Alirez match.
  2. Thank you for confirming that Baltimore is not the coast (let alone Pittsburgh)
  3. David Taylor definitely threw a wrench into this question. Here are 2 recent interviews of Bo, in one he does say there’s a decent chance he and Forrest go to the same school and in the other he says where some of his friends go could be a factor in where he goes. Of course Basch as usual was pushing religion, I did think it was interesting that Bo kinda implied he got more religious after noticing that it seemed to help a lot of the best wrestlers (another sign PSU may be the favorite). He did kinda light up when talking about David Taylor though. Overall he seems like a great kid, really well spoken for his age.
  4. I lived in Baltimore. As I said there are some beaches in the area, but "Baltimore Beach" is a volleyball court that isn't even on the water. From your link: "it’s not actually a real beach at all." The Chesapeake Bay is not on the coast. For most of it you still need to go through a whole different state to get to the coast. Coast to coast wasn't accurate but I was fine with the updated comment of "coast to almost coast."
  5. lol that's a volleyball court, it's not even on the water. There are some "beaches" near Baltimore, but no place on the water called "Baltimore Beach"
  6. I can't tell if this is sarcasm. Baltimore is definitely not the coast and I'm pretty sure "Baltimore Beach" isn't even a real place.
  7. auto renewals are pretty standard. but putting “$12.50 per month!!!” in huge letters and then actually charging you $150 all at once isn’t.
  8. What does “winning in a squash” even mean? I'm surprised you didn’t comment on how the article said Steveson won the Olympics at the 12 kg weight class. That seems like it might be too light for the NFL
  9. Yeah that’s what I figured. Seems odd if it’s apparently “standard” to give rookies a “3 year contract” if there’s a pretty good chance they don’t even make the team. But I guess a lot of NFL contracts have years on them that don’t end up happening
  10. Did Adam Coon get a 3 year contract when he got signed?
  11. Maybe he’s trying to find out what makes CHA great so he can bring it to CHApel Hill
  12. Edit: sorry just realized you were probably referring to a suggestion of 2 years as a release from the Air Force
  13. I believe Burroughs is currently running a kids club
  14. What year did they cancel NCAA’s due to the flu? I don’t remember this
  15. He says he’s not enrolling until fall 2025, and plans to be at 149. Interesting thread actually… https://iowa.forums.rivals.com/threads/otto-black-commits-to-iowa.441962/ I do like the theory of if he can get Iowa fans to care about Greco then that could help with the overall support for Greco. Then another Iowa fan suggested some of their other guys try Greco to which of course LJB basically said they would suck without first training in it for awhile
  16. Wow he even admitted “some things from folk helped his Greco”!
  17. Crap just realized I messed up the joke. Folk is the “stall fest.” Although if he wrestles folk maybe he’ll wrestle some freestyle too… (ellipsis added to honor LJB)
  18. Wait one of them is going to wrestle “the women’s style”???
  19. I assume you’re trolling but weren’t both he and Cassioppi “in the room” all last season?
  20. Probably. Although the article says student-athletes “can’t directly be paid to play.” Didn’t you say that is not technically the case based on an Athletic article?
  21. Talk about burying the lede!
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