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Everything posted by 1032004

  1. Sure, I guess it’s possible. Just like it’s possible Anthony Knox decommits from Cornell after seeing that they don’t care about dual meets and wrestlers with concussions
  2. Yeah and he probably wouldn’t score many if any points at NCAA’s anyway. Anyone know of the circumstances around why he left Minnesota?
  3. Just watched his semi match, and he does appear gimpy at the end, so I will give him some slack here
  4. Meh, I could probably be convinced to call that a wash as well but I don’t think I’d go that far. Rooks finished R12 last year.
  5. Yup. Plus PSU having historically gone to the Scuffle in the past and now not going to any
  6. Will he drop behind Jack Maida ?
  7. Looking at the finals: 125: Ayala/Volk or Poulin/Provo: wash 133: Teske/Van Dee or Phipps/Serrano: wash 141: Woods/McNeil or Fongaro/Miranda: Salute 149: Rathjen/Ferrari or Rooks/Bond: Scuffle 157: Franek/Swensen or Zerban/Cardenas: wash 165: Caliendo/Kennedy or Mulvaney/Filipowicz: Salute 174: Arnold/Wolak or Pasiuk/Washington: wash 184: Salazar/McEnelly or Anderson/Pine: Salute 197: Glazier/Ferrari or Buchanan/Haas: wash 285: Tabor/Rasmussen or Heindselman/Crosby: wash IMO, most of the weights were about a wash, and I’d give 3 weights to the Soldier Salute and only 1 to the Scuffle. Yes, most of the top guys at the Salute were from Iowa (or hoping to go to Iowa), but seems like they at least added a little tougher competition this year (combined with the Scuffle probably getting worse).
  8. Wrestlestat shows this as an inj default at 6:57. @Jon_Kozak, you gonna count this for rankings?
  9. Washington beat Pasiuk 4-2 earlier this year. Quack quack
  10. Thanks for the updates @D3 for LU
  11. I thought the Cinnabon bet involved a monetary amount and a Wisconsin dual, but may be misremembering.
  12. I have no clue if the videos can be defined as child porn, but as Minnow has shown they’re being posted on child porn sites. It’s not clear if the account owner is doing the posting, but being as how he’s threatened legal action, he’s aware of where his work is being shown and that other people take issue with it even though he apparently doesn’t. Maybe he’s not breaking any laws, but the fact that he not only hasn’t taken down most of the videos, but is posting “new” ones (from some random Christmas tournament in 2021, wtf?) to me proves he’s a creep at best, probably worse.
  13. Kudos to him for helping raise awareness about this issue. But I’m not necessarily convinced he “did more to try to stop this guy in the last 48 hours than law enforcement and the wrestling community did in a year.”
  14. You know there is zero chance Brands comments about Ferrari unless he becomes part of the University of Iowa’s team
  15. I give credit to him for raising awareness, but based on Pyles’ post, I’m sure authorities were already involved…
  16. He wrote this also, but not sure what profiles he’s referring to. His Twitter (which wasn’t very active) and Instagram are still up.
  17. I presume we won’t really know for sure (same with Anthony) until classes start
  18. Yeah, but they can’t be tied to athletic performance or actually being on a particular team, right? Although I imagine throwing punches and the double bird split might violate some sort of ethics clause…
  19. Thanks for your efforts. I assume they have to prove that he was the one posting the links, no?
  20. Yes, I imagine “RTC’s only train freestyle” could be a sham too
  21. I guess maybe we don’t know for sure, but why else would they coach him? HWC did tweet about having “room in the garage” for another Ferrari at one point
  22. Yeah, as HWC Board Advisor, Brands should probably tell the HWC that it was a bad idea to allow AJ to train with them
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