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Everything posted by 1032004

  1. Agreed, I’m more saying FRL seems like it’s easy money for him, he just goes down to his basement to talk about wrestling a few times a week. I don’t see why he’d stop unless there’s going to be a significant change with his other job(s).
  2. I wondered this as well and it may be true but it’s not like FRL is really interrupting his current coaching. IIRC he gets paid by Flo north of $100k/year and works what, 5 hours a week? Unless maybe they are expanding AWA further
  3. It doesn’t seem like he wants to move. I can’t imagine he goes anywhere but Wisconsin, if anywhere
  4. I can’t remember the whole story now. I don’t think the tweet was really why he left, but it may have been the straw that broke the camel’s back. But yeah, pretty sure that particular tweet was pretty much just saying that Ohio State wasn’t wrestling well
  5. Not exactly quick, but covering “the Willie trials” are kinda what put Stalemates on the map. Looks like Day 5 is when CP took the stand, IIRC he didn’t really come off so badly. The whole trial was on YouTube thanks to Covid, and if you really have a lot of time a Penn State forum poster /lawyer uploaded them to YouTube (search Scottpilutik), but Stalemates did a good job recapping
  6. Haven’t finished watching yet but I’ve been enjoying it. Gotta give credit to Tyler, he was doing a great job multitasking by pulling clips, getting guests ready (and telling them their time was up), plus contributing to the conversation.
  7. I remember watching the episode (and his Stalemates interview) but don’t recall the specifics. I thought he claimed he didn’t technically do anything against the rules but may be misremembering.
  8. Correct, and it also resulted in the rule changes about matches against teammates and that injury defaults had to have “actual wrestling,” although the latter one still seems up for interpretation. But while 2020 was certainly shady, I’m not sure if there were any rules violations that could be easily proven. The best argument was probably for match fixing, but would be hard to prove unless someone admitted it. Even the seeding I don’t believe would have been against the rules if all the coaches agreed to them.
  9. 2020 was the bad year. It was a legit tournament in 2022 and 2023. In both years there was only one MFF in the finals and last year it was because it was 2 teammates. There were also some solid redshirts and a few top HS guys that attended as well. 2022 149 looks to be the strongest bracket and had 5 guys that are or would be ranked this year: Caleb Rathjen (champ), Paniro Johnson, Tagen Jamison, Drew Roberts and Blaine Brenner
  10. Definitely should have used AJ for this one, especially with the “drive” pun
  11. The last discussion on HR looks to be about his attending the Purdue dual on 1/19. There seemed to be quite a few still convinced he was hoping to join the team next year. @Hammerlock3 If I had to guess, I think he’s still in Iowa. @nhs67 probably not happy about this, but Brennan Swafford (who is still listed on the Iowa roster btw) has been in several of his recent posts, and also posted some of his own including posting a photo of them training MMA at Iowa Wesleyan on the same day AJ did. So if the pics are old Swafford would have to be in on it.
  12. Yeah, but that doesn’t really matter if there are D1 schools, namely Iowa, that are in fact not ignoring him. Which is what the OP seems to be trying to find out. I really have no idea.
  13. If you’re referring to Brands, I think he just held it up and didn’t throw it
  14. they should be forced to donate $1MM to Rutgers or something
  15. Just finished watching and Sparks did acknowledge no replay available later on. Imagine if that happened in Iowa
  16. And all of Nagao’s losses this year are “too 10ish,” so it can be argued he doesn’t have any bad losses this year.
  17. At least he wasn’t scrolling through his phone this time
  18. Amine, Woods, and Hendrickson all missed multiple consecutive matches. That usually suggests something was wrong. Pretty confident Shapiro was concussed. The only one that doesn’t belong on this list IMO is Nagao. He lost a bunch of matches in the regular season last year too but then turned it on for NCAA’s, so hopefully for him that’s what happens this year too.
  19. It started as a “cynical” tournament, but after the criticism Dresser did clean it up. And the new MFF rules will further do so. I went back and looked at last year’s brackets and there were some pretty good guys there including some in redshirt. Looks like DeAugustino injury defaulted to Spratley in SV for example.
  20. I didn’t think that one was a TD. Did they not review it at all though?
  21. Again, 2 of the 3 guys you list had those negative feelings purely because of the competition within their individual training situations, both of which were several years after college. I will say that PSU is better at handling those types of situations as guys know there are no guarantees at PSU/NLWC. But I’m still going to agree to disagree on Metcalf. Like you said, he was a Brands guy, he didn’t start as an Iowa guy. He followed Brands from VT to Iowa, giving up a year of eligibility to do so. Went 1-1-2 in his 3 years competing, then wrestled for HWC for several years and left on good terms. He trained under Brands for what, 10 years? I don’t think he has negative feelings about his time there, even if he felt there was an “us against the world” culture. And heck, when he was hired at ISU, Dresser (an Iowa guy himself of course), hired 3 Iowa guys all at once. If the culture was so bad why would he do that? You mentioned St John previously, has he made any comments “that can be interpreted as negative”? Overall, I’ve heard athletes say only positive things about the Brands brothers as coaches. I don’t think there is anyone currently available that would do a better job than them. What do you suggest Iowa does? Back to the OP of this thread, it seems one suggestion is “new blood” for assistant coaches. I will say I haven’t heard athletes makes many comments at all about Morningstar/Telford, so sure that could be an option. But as I mentioned they’ve certainly had their share of successful upperweights. Even Glazier this year looks like an example of an upperweight having improved in the room. I’m guessing they’re already planning to, but they need to get Spencer Lee on the staff, although of course that wouldn’t necessarily help any perceived upperweight deficiency. He’s still an “Iowa guy,” but isn’t the prototypical grinder. I also wouldn’t totally disagree that the Brands brothers are kinda the same person and having both of them could be a little repetitive, so if Terry wants to head up his own program I’d certainly encourage that.
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