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Everything posted by Idaho

  1. Not long after a good showing against ASU
  2. Since he only wrestled up until high school his weigh cutting comment didnt' have anything to do with college weights... lol
  3. The exact words he used were "considered transferring" not that he had "planned" Probably good to have the right words when you credit him with his "own words" . And no, they are not the same thing. I could care less about your take on this situation, but at least when you quote someone you should get their words right.
  4. Maybe some story lines involving Gable down the road. https://www.pennlive.com/pennstatefootball/2023/01/penn-state-lineman-all-american-wrestler-land-nil-deal-with-wwe.html?utm_campaign=psufb_sf&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook&fbclid=IwAR1pvUVzyNtsn32_KYvHekL0sCmCYC0HtSRncC0-ItkGYIP8N0edOIMpGxs
  5. Why? 18 year olds are wrestling 35 year olds in international competition. 5 years with a redshirt would be 23 years old... completely within the normal schedule. I have seen a lot of young guys come in as freshman and knock off seniors. Happens all the time. If 17 year olds are actually competing on their college team during the season then they graduated young for whatever reason.
  6. Facts carry more weight than any opinion. You know, the whole 4x undefeated champ thing.
  7. But Tom Brands said he was the best he had ever seen and Jimmy posted it, so it must be true.
  8. How are the 30 minutes broken down?
  9. Is this 4 easy payments of 599.99?
  10. Who would turn down 8 lbs of mashed taters?
  11. Probably more of "losing" a couple pounds than "cutting" a couple pounds. Like that guy who could just skip lunch to make weight then complain that he was starving because he missed one meal.
  12. I am somewhat surprised that Chlebove has stuck with the program this long, but kudos to him that he might finally get his shot. Although Norfleet wasn't a top recruit, people were very high on him, especially since he had a good deal of success his first two years, being ranked fairly high and qualifying for the NCAA tourney. Most people thought he would be a top 5 guy by now. They did get Schultz back into the lineup against Stanford and Negron only lost to Griffith 4-2... so I guess those are some positives. On a separate note, guys who look like a shell of their old selves, Abas has not looked good for a long time.
  13. Not a good month for ASU. Very uninspiring. Figs gets the start in a conference dual - does that mean something? Norfleet and Schultz still out of the lineup. Truax also missing.
  14. Remember that thread where everything goes wrong for PSU and everything goes right for Iowa and iowa wins the ncaa …
  15. I understand the lineup stuff and the weight cut ... the history certainly plays a part. But he moved up this season and still had issues. My question and comments were from the coaches perspective ... I am interested to know if he was on a weight plan that he did not follow through with. Is it possible that coaches gave him limits as to how much he could be over at certain points in the week, each practice, or the day of a match knowing that he had these issues? I am not an insider to that program, but it wouldn't' be a surprise if the was required to come in no more than 2-3 pounds over the day of so it wouldn't be such a hard cut to make it. These types of plans are not uncommon...I have known of several situations where coaches did more weight checking that necessary and plans put into place for guys cutting hard. Coming in 5 over is doable for some wrestlers, especially in the heavier weight classes... but 5 lbs at the lower weights is a little harder on you. I'm not arguing your points on the history of the situation, I am just wondering if there isn't more to the story on the other side.
  16. To be fair she's 62 now... Veterans E.
  17. Is it possible that because he had struggled with weight and missed weight previously that he was expected to be closer than 5lbs on match day? I don't know the situation first hand, but if a guy had been struggling and missed weight before, a coaching staff would be well within it's right to say they wanted him within 3 lbs on match day to insure that he was going to make weight and that he wouldn't be cutting so much the day of. Because other wrestlers have done it does not necessarily mean that it was okay for Alvarez to do it in his situation with the amount he was cutting.
  18. "I think these fans just respond really well to a good haircut. That's what I was working on coming in here, making sure I had it fluffed and feathered the right way, and I think the fans saw my hard work." "I gain trust every time my hair grows a little more and a little more. I trust in myself and my mullet. It's a process, you know. You can't grow a great mullet in a day, (and) you can't win a Big Ten title in a day."
  19. Poulin, Serrano, Berreyesa, Fernandes ... UNCBears using the portal.
  20. The leg turk is a simple step though on the bottom leg after the takedown and is perfectly legal and should be kept that way. Many moves can be used to injure and opponent - that is why they have potentially dangerous calls. Wrestling is hard.
  21. I see it used a decent amount...... but I also see the missed opportunities as well. Absolutely it should be something to look for off the takedown finish.
  22. That's what I assumed as well...but in a thread on the old board there were several saying he could return. I am guessing he is not and will get a medical year.
  23. Someone mentioned in another thread that he got a concussion in Vegas. Seems like he would be ready to go by now. On another ASU note, I remember having an argument with other's on the old board about Teemer's peck injury. I was of the internet doctor opinion that he would be out for the year and that it would not be worth coming back at the very end both because he would be rusty and because he would ruin the opportunity for a medical redshirt. Others were of the opinion the injury was not serious (because they had the same injury) and that he would be back in 6-8 weeks. So, what's the update at week 11?
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