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Everything posted by Idaho

  1. I agree, It's not the same in terms of the competition level of both wrestlers and did have the same stakes as now. However the principle is the same - Jones went with the younger, lower performing wrestler rather than the guy who had a legit shot at qualifying for the NCAA. This time the stakes are much higher. You can make a case that Figs is the future, so does Jones leave Courtney behind who has been an AA and has actually outperformed Figs? At the end of the day, Courtney has outperformed Figs to this point despite his two losses to highly ranked opponents. One thing is certain, I'm glad I'm not in charge of the situation.
  2. Can someone in the know @headshuck @MNRodent tell us what is wrong with Brayton Lee?
  3. At this point I don't see that Figs has legit earned the spot. @RegularStalling makes a fair point... Courtney has faced the better competition in Glory and Barnett - his two losses. His common opponents Ungar and Surtin he beat soundly where Figs went to TB with Ungar and a 2 point win over Surtin. In comparing the two performances, Courtney has performed better. I get that Figs is the future, but that doesn't necessarily gain him the spot if he is not the better wrestler, however Zeke did go with the future when he put Chlebove in at the PAC-12 ...and he finished last. I would be interested to see what a 2 out of 3 wrestle off would look like between the two or if that is even a consideration for the spot.
  4. ASU fans seemed pretty excited when Molinaro and Thompson came to ASU. I don't see Zeke leaving for a long time. ASU seems tired and worn out right now. Schultz just seems like a guy who is done with college wrestling and wants to focus on Greco now.
  5. Surprised by this result....Even with Norfleet and Shultz in the lineup the tie would have went to Princeton I believe. This two days after Oregon State handled Princeton. Are Negron, Norfleet and Schultz injured right now? Haven't seen Norfleet in awhile.
  6. That's fine, take the two points, I wasn't disputing the final score..... Let's try this again... "If he refines his head gear pulling tactics and can put a few more extra breather strategies in his back pocket, he might just limit it to being decisioned"
  7. "Get it over quick before he finds out how crappy you are." - Dale Thomas (loose quote)
  8. If he refines his head gear pulling tactics and can put a few more extra breather strategies in his back pocket, he might just limit it to being decisioned.
  9. Speaking of slump..... Brayton Lee not having the season I expected him to have.
  10. Good match for the Beavs tonight. Kaylor and Olguin wrestled their NCAA finalists tough.
  11. Olguin has jumped levels this year. He had great defense and almost pulled off the upset. That trip was pretty slick at the end of the match.
  12. Terrible call.... how do you not make that call from obvious video. I'm not anti-Glory, but he seems to get a lot rests in his matches, whether it be a review or whatever.
  13. 3) No partial scholarships (although it's unclear if this applies to wrestling, i fear it is b/c why clarify it; FB and BB already have it) twitter.com/SCC_wrestling/… - THIS WAS TABLED. Probably #3 ... the part about scholarships.... which is a huge issue when it comes to wrestling and the fact that programs use partial scholarships almost exclusively. The issue was tabled... for how long? I don't know.
  14. We need a term for this? Hmm... guy walks into a 20 page thread, drops a comment that makes you think he knows the outcome...and the comment could go either way. Hmm....what do we call this?
  15. From @Husker_Du What I'm hearing though not confirmed... 1) Removal of minimum # of sports to be DI 2) No volunteer assistants but a fourth full-time coach 3) No partial scholarships (although it's unclear if this applies to wrestling, i fear it is b/c why clarify it; FB and BB already have it) twitter.com/SCC_wrestling/… - THIS WAS TABLED.
  16. addendum: The correct usage of choose/chose is also optional, especially in the context of education.
  17. A lot of good duals this weekend... tonight on Flo... Oregon State vs Princeton. A few toss-ups and a few good ranked matchups.... Glory vs Kaylor - Glory is supposed to be going tonight at 125 Olguin Vs MOnday Harvey vs Stout I got Oregon State in a close match tonight.
  18. Board Rule 1.23.b You are required to read very page of the thread before commenting on said thread.
  19. Wait...... what? I don't know if I can survive another one....
  20. I always envisioned him coming home from a hard days work at the cement factory, kicking off his boots, sitting in his lazy boy with his Blue Heeler dog and watching some flo with a pizza and a beer..... but no, it's a townhouse in LA. I was WAYYYYY off.
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