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Everything posted by Idaho

  1. May 8th Wisconsin Press Release: We would like to announce 3 transfers coming in next year...
  2. Seeding meeting was yesterday... brackets should drop today.
  3. Yes - Not a specific job per se, but a Stanford business degree and his name will land him a very good job. I would not be surprised if he has a few irons in the fire already from donors/alumni.
  4. I agree.... he seems to look like he's done. Of course there could be lots of things going on with him during this season. If he were to transfer for one more year, I would guess ASU. When you have a national title, a Stanford degree and a lucrative job waiting for you, it seems it would be hard to continue for a second national title.
  5. It will be interesting to see where he ends up in the bracket. He had a huge win over Hardy of course, but also some bad losses as well.
  6. No he wrestled both years and finished 5th and 1st at the national tournament. He wrestled three years at OSU starting g duals in all 3 seasons.
  7. two years in a row... bummer for him. Are they puling Ysa or Ramos' redshirt or going with Chlebove?
  8. It is true that senior night is for those graduating and some could technically come back another year.... However I am pretty sure that Shaner never redshirted and this is his last year of eligibility.
  9. So far 2 Oregon State fans have answered on this thread....
  10. I would guess that Montalvo gets the #3 seed based on his better record in the conference and because he is better. I would be surprised to see Nofleet - My guess would be Fagan at 197 for ASU as it has been for most of the season... Lorenzo is up in the air - He could go or possibly Holeman Some of your records are off, but that's okay - In a 6 team conference it's not too hard to seed.
  11. Not "we" in the sense that Idaho is part of Oregon... I would have a good comeback but there's not much to work with when it comes to "ionel" that autocorrects every time.
  12. Yes they did, but the NCAA... I mean the other conferences.... didn't like them having a longer break than the other teams.
  13. Good win for the Beavs today... we have looked sluggish for a couple matches.
  14. My mind plays the sound association game with Working for the Weekend and immediately goes to Barney and Adrian...
  15. I agree... I have to keep track open to make sure i have the score correct... especially in that Cardenas - Crosby match.
  16. Olguin knocks off Griffith with a last second takedown.
  17. I always have to look twice to make sure it's not wet around the outside.
  18. Looks like everyone is going today.... I guess this isn't the Big10.
  19. Hmmmm.... something seems familiar about this post..... Anyway... I can see a few guys sitting this one out with Pac-12 next weekend.... 174 and HWT could determine this dual. Olguin could give Griffith a very tough match.
  20. When rumors from another message board cross over .... is that like a crossover episode?
  21. They don't necessarily have to steal an AQ at the conference tournament to get in - If they finish one place outside of the allocations at conference (i.e. 4th when there are 3) they would still have a good shot at an at-large depending on who got upset at the conferences. Of course the best way to get in is to earn it and steal the spot at conference, but they still have a shot at an at-large if they place outside the allocation number.
  22. All the non-posting members don't show up to create dumb threads and argue about topics already thoroughly discussed.
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