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Everything posted by de4856

  1. I am looking forward to seeing Spencer compete. I hope that he does well.
  2. It’s a tough subject, the individual wrestler has no say in what his or her government did or does. So it’s unfortunate for the individual. However Putin along with assistance from Belarus has invaded Ukraine. Putin and the leader of Belarus should be held accountable. But I guess the question is, what kind of accountability should that be? Difficult for me to answer, I would say that at the very minimum that they should not be able to compete under their national flag. I have been following international wrestling since Dan Gable won his Gold medal in 1972. And I am really tired of all the crap that the Russians and some of these other countries have pulled, and I’m to the point that maybe Russia and their state sponsored doping as well as everything else, that they should get banned, for a decade or so.
  3. I am wondering if Vito Arujau will end up being the guy at 61. Vito looked really good at the NCAA’s. I am not sure how he and Seth Gross will match up, but I am looking forward to seeing that match up.
  4. Well as I see it, Cael has built a super strong program. So everyone is chasing him, not just the Brands Bros. Iowa did pretty darn good on Friday getting three guys through the Blood rounds. They get to go home with 6 AA’s and a 2nd place. Some will say so what, but others would say that they would love to be 2nd with 6 AA’s.
  5. Well Cael has built quite a dynamo at Penn St. which is going to be very difficult for other teams to overcome. And I bring this up because even if you sent some of these current head coaches packing, the new coaches and staff will still have to deal with the monumental obstacle of Penn St.
  6. Well Spencer if he wanted to, could join the NLWC at some point in the future
  7. So, I kind of feel that Coach Smith should probably go, but who do you replace him with?
  8. Well I feel sorry for Spencer, I kind of feel that he needs a break from wrestling for a while, I don’t know how healthy he really is. But aside from that I was pretty amazed at Iowa’s run through the backside today, Murin, Brands, and Warner, all survived the blood rounds to AA. Earlier in the year, I thought Murin would AA this year, but when I saw his draw I was thinking oh no this isn’t going to be good. But he prevailed. So congrats to him. Brands, I really didn’t think it was going to be in the cards for him, he’s been injured and just hasn’t been much of an offensive dynamo in my opinion, but wow, he got some good wins today so congrats to him. Warner, well from the beginning of the season I really thought that he was just stale, just too many years of the grind in that Iowa mat room, but he showed up and will go down as a 5 time AA. So Congrats. Obviously, Penn St. are just phenomenal they have 8 AA’s, and the title. Probably set a record as well. But you have to give some other teams props as well Missouri, Ohio St. and Va. Tech will all have 5 AA’s. While Nebraska and Arizona St. will have 4 each. So these teams will have 37. Which is almost half of the total AA’s this year.
  9. Well looking forward to the Natty’s, I think Spencer should win it, Woods should get in the finals, and Cass should AA pretty high. I’m not sure if the guy who won the Big 12’s is as good as they say so we’ll see. As for the rest of the team, I like Murin, I think he gets it done this year. Kennedy obviously had a great tournament at the Big 10’s but 165 is so stacked with studs it’s going to be a hard road for him. Maybe a low AA unless something phenomenal happens for him. Jacob Warner just hasn’t been wrestling that well this year so idk, maybe he gets 7th or 8th, but I think that the grind of all these years in the Iowa mat room has gotten to him. As for Teske, Siebrecht, Brands, and Assad, I think will win a couple of matches, but unless they come out and have a great tourney, I just don’t see much more than a couple of wins for each of them.
  10. SnyderMan won 14-4 over the Iranian, so he’s in the finals. Ty Waltz lost in the semifinals and will go for the bronze
  11. The US Open is a great event, you’ll get to see a ton of action with a lot of our top wrestlers.
  12. Well he’s a 3 time NCAA champ and if for some reason he doesn’t get his fourth it would be a disappointment in my opinion. If his career would come to an end I think he would still go down as one of the best Iowa wrestlers ever. But hopefully his knees do handle the rigors of training and competition, and he does go on to win World titles and Olympic Golds.
  13. Well I am looking forward to watching this dual, I think that it’s going to be an uphill climb for most of the Hawkeyes. I am hoping that Big Cass can come away with a win however.
  14. I think Iowa gets some of their guys to AA, and Spencer I believe will be a 4 timer, but I look up and down Iowa’s lineup and I just don’t see it. And yeah maybe Penn St. gets a flat tire here and there but, Penn St. is loaded and there’s still plenty of other studs across the country that will probably do a heck of a lot better than anyone suspects.
  15. I like Shane Sparks, I like his energy
  16. According to social media, Adam Coon is returning to CKWC, hopefully this will turn into an opportunity for him to get back on the Senior team.
  17. Well I don’t know what the future holds for Spencer but if he wins his fourth and then goes on to win a Win or Olympic title, I could see him taking over the helm in Iowa City.
  18. So, I don’t see Fix dropping to 57, (1) I think dropping would take a toll on his body and (2) he then has to face Gilman, who has become a force for us at this weight. It just doesn’t add up for me. As far as Spencer goes, he could win the US Open and then challenge Gilman, but I don’t think we see him wrestling at 57 until next year for the Olympics. The reason I say this is because I think that his knees and his recovery isn’t where it needs to be to win a World Championship.
  19. Well if this is going to be the way they do it this year, I think it will be important to give our college guys and gals the necessary time to prepare for the US Open.
  20. Well if Cox doesn’t get SnyderMan, and I don’t think he will, I think Snyder’s run will continue until old age or an injury gets him. And as far as Ferrari is concerned, it’s obvious that his career has taken a significant detour, and we’ll just have to see what happens there. But if I were a betting man, I would say Ferrari is going to wind up in MMA, long before he can get to the point where he could become a serious challenger to Snyder.
  21. So let’s say that we see Burroughs, Dake, and Taylor retire after the 2024 Olympics. Do AD’s immediately go out and try and hire them, or do they wait for them to do a few years as assistants first? I also wonder about Brent Metcalf, he has a ton of international experience as well as the College accolades, he might be a guy that could be very capable. I do think that if I was an AD, I would give both Jake Varner, and Casey Cunningham interviews.
  22. Anyone have any idea where AJ Ferrari is going to end up at? Providing he gets to go somewhere.
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