Since we can all agree that it's not fair to Brooks to have been clearly laid out the rules and timeline for his decision-making all the way back on January 15, what about a couple fun scenarios that would *really* mess with our resident king of the VO2 mountain @Le duke
1) Brooks becomes an atheist; as such he follows his carnal desires and therefore the lord is no longer cutting with him so he bumps up to 92 at WTT but Zahid beats him this time around. AB has the same boring offseason but Mark Hall ascends to Final X where he is Taylor's sacrificial lamb.
1.1) Bonus fun scenario: If Hall is competing rather than coaching, does Burroughs have a different result and make the team?!?
2) Zahid lets Brooks weigh-in first and then just never steps on the scale therefore ascending to the 86kg spot at Final X by losing at the US Open. That's a grown-man's 3D chess move right there.