You sure?
Jarad Anthony Higgins (December 2, 1998 – December 8, 2019), known professionally as Juice Wrld (pronounced "juice world"; stylized as Juice WRLD)
I did once wring a chicken by the neck, it was supper time. Have done the same with pheasants in the field else a coyote would get my dinner. I'm sure this would seem extreme and violent to some ... ok I also killed a 5' bull snake with a hoe. I have since changed my ways and eat at Chick-fil-A.
So if you bully and call people names you think it will convince them to read a report (from what appears to be a bias web site) and thus everyone will agree you are correct.
Is he doing this or his lawyers doing this? Maybe his lawyers should be thrown in jail, that'll teach em for trying to use legal procedures and arguments.
Don't know what you are talking about, I said nothing about "who's doing it." I see no reason to "dig deeper" they've put right their on the front page who they think the two groups are without support of data or definition.
Looks like a pretty biased site. They've already decided there's two main hate groups and then the other. Does this mean everyone in Ukraine is a hate group because they are anti Russian gov't?
... we can discuss the best methods for smoking meat and bash liberals & conservatives all in the same sub forum. Bob & Du have really outdone themselves!