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Everything posted by ionel

  1. Is it true the new currency will be on the vodka standard?
  2. Believe its what edutaters watch during their 4th hour break.
  3. This should get the Iowa wrestlers off the hook, no? They made bets with a useless valueless currency.
  4. I was just being plan old lazy. That was the background on the first image I found. But now that I've had my morning coffee ...
  5. Thought this thread was going to be about whether he would weigh in for the debate, sounds like he has more important things on his plate.
  6. My 3rd grade teacher was Miss Hall. I really liked her but one time she did send me to the hall.
  7. Is that $2,475 for all 80? Let's go together buy em all and resell on this here forum, we'll make a fortune.
  8. If the Iowa guys were betting against the Iowa St guys and vice versa, does it cancel out?
  9. So the Edurtator/Riddler gets his info/edutation from the SmartNews app. Evidently SmartNews doesn't know about X.
  10. He is typical of most (but not all) in academia this days. So conformed by their little world and only rubbing shoulders with like minded folks that they don't understand what is going on in the real world, the diversity of thought and that most folks are just too busy to worry about all these issues.
  11. Isn't it grand to have the Riddler on these here forums, speaking in code or riddles, letting all know the source of "truth" in the universe. He is also able to tell when other posters are sad, happy, confused, angry etc. And he can do all these wonderful and unbelievable things by simply staring at his keyboard ... well and listening to AM all day.
  12. Pretty sure the Riddler gets his info from the ComicNewsNetwork. and apparently listens to AM radio all day. I didn't know that was still possible.
  13. Think there's a law: once per day. Well unless you break the law.
  14. What if they were simply betting on whether a team mate would shoot himself in the foot? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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