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Everything posted by ionel

  1. I'm good with that, how do we make it happen?
  2. ... it would be grand if we could vote to disallow any previous Presidents from running next term.
  3. ... there will be no mean tweets in the next Presidential term ... ok but maybe some nasty Xs.
  4. Maybe firing squad with Flo Arena? just keeping it wrestling
  5. ??? so no one hurt by insider tradingeither?
  6. There is a very simple way to test if an electric fence is hot. This was never my preferred/chosen method but I suppose it also works.
  7. Was expecting you to say you know not to eat there or at least know not to take the wife there for the weekend fancy meal.
  8. I hear tell that Wkn knows a thing or two about the Golden Corral.
  9. Happy Valley - Fun Mexico - Not so fun
  10. Hey now ... I'm a full grown snow drift so you just watch yourself. ❄
  11. But can you post the OSU results for us, thanks.
  12. I am a citizen of the world er galaxy, I'll go where I want, do as I please and pay taxes if I feel like it.
  13. What does citizenship have to do with anything?
  14. I am not serious but as long as we are not going to have borders I'd like to pay my state taxes in Texas and federal income taxes in the Bahamas.
  15. Is there really any reason to have borders, national or state?
  16. Speaking of censorship, I challenge any & all to post forthwith and herein a story about your favorite w r a s s l e r. You must use the term at least once (you will recieve more points with multiple) in your story.
  17. Did you get your lawn all chopped?
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