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Everything posted by ionel

  1. can you do that with scholarship money?
  2. you guys spent a lot of money on that kid, I mean wolverine/nitty-lion type coin!
  3. For the betting folks in Iowa and beyond, which is more likely: A) Gable & Ferrari face off in the 24 hwt final or B) Trump beats all charges and is elected 47?
  4. Well its not like after hearing the compliance talk about not gambling he just forgot once or twice, he forgot 559 times. Might be like someone getting 559 speeding ticket for 5 mph over in an 18 mo period, something might happen.
  5. Are you and Bob hanging out now?
  6. Sept 1, we already have the firing squad so ...
  7. STEP SEVEN: head to the Happy Valley
  8. Does this mean you will no longer be our source for all things Ohie State and we will now have to go to www.bucknut.com to get the reel scoop?
  9. I'm 40 minutes ahead of you.
  10. We made homemade ice-cream growing up as a kid. Clearly should've got college credit or at least cleped out of O-chem. All of us knew how to make it, was handy to have a cow nearby, taste even better when you put in your time hand cranking.
  11. Withe the whole copyright issues I thought we were only allowed one mathematician per thread but I could be wrong.
  12. I know I've read this before somewhere.
  13. Not on social media (unless this is one) so wouldn't know about that.
  14. CNN got Trump to the point of being able to run against Hillary. Trump ran on cleaning up the swamp so what did the Dems do? They pulled some shenanigans to put in an old swamp creature, prob the most corrupt candidate to run for Pres in a long time.
  15. He certainly was attacked more. Now you could argue much of it was his own doing, he could've behaved better and reduced the level of attacks. However, this is who he is, I dont like him never did but everyone knew who he was when running in the primary. The left argues much more than the right that we should accept diversity, he is a very diverse character out there on the edge so accept him for who he is and if you are the other side argue about his policy. I will always maintain that CNN got him elected. There were something like 12 candidates in the primary and early debates, prob 5 that would've made good candidates for the GOP. CNN wouldn't stop talking about Trump thats all they wanted too talk about, he got so much free PR.
  16. yes you can, that is not true
  17. The NCAA seems to not need evidence. I remember a case where a college senior lost his last year of competition just because he said he was not at a certain guy's apartment when he was even though it was no violation to be at said location. Can you take the 5th with NCAA, you could try but then they'll prob take away your eligibility for not answering the question. * disclaimer: I have not recently stayed at a HI Exp so will defer to the legal experts Rasta & knownothing on this matter.
  18. Even if not lawyers I'm sure Wrestle & Wrestling are qualified.
  19. Isn't there an ad showing Barry Sanders giving betting advice on his phone while playing pickle ball? Multi-task, let's say a wrestler pulled out the Draft King app every time he checked weight on the scales, how much time would it take?
  20. C'mon Man! There's a simple 10 step process to see all the hand raises, stop whining and just figure it out for yourself (and let us know). You cleary have the pig fat filter turned on, go to: >Watch > Replay >Tounaments >Settings >Arena >Biological >Features >Screen >Sub settings >Pig fat >uncheck All unless you want to keep certain pig fats then >Arena >Tournaments >Sreen features >Myprofile >Save
  21. Well ... yeah ...there is that.
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