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Everything posted by ionel

  1. So ... is NBC taking over for CNN this time and gonna be his free PR wing to push him thru the primary?
  2. But we shouldn't have law enforcement or at least defund them. So no laws and no law enforcement - a good thing. But wait ... wouldn't that also put the good Senator Dole out of business?
  3. You guys talking cooking or weigh-ins?
  4. Saw i coyote across the road from my lot this morning. Can't be sure but think he stuck his tongue out and then winked at me. Darn vermin!
  5. Now you are just teasing us aren't you?
  6. Should I bring the beer now?
  7. Ban is too extreme to believe that reasonable people could agree to common sense principles. Thus it must be a lie.
  8. How many lies did you just tell? We will know when we see the evidence in court. At your lie rate for that post where would you be in 4 years?
  9. Good grief. I challenge any fair minded person (folks in the middle who support neither Trump or Biden) to simply look at the first 20 as I just did. These are not the definition of a lie they are simply The Washington Post disagreeing with what Trump said. They use words such as he "mixes up several things here," "engages in hyperbole," "this is debatable," etc.
  10. So basically ~1 unique lie per hour every day for 4 years. Since you have such an accurate account can you list the first say 20 lies, the date & exact time of day and who recorded the lie?
  11. C'mon man, the US Attorney General will make sure he does his job. If for some reason the AG doesn't I'm sure the AG's boss will step in, kick some butt and fix the problem.
  12. So contrary to the OP, HWC wrestler JAYDEN EIERMAN was not arrested and his legendary status is still intact.
  13. I'm confused ... isn't he a basketball guy?
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