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Everything posted by JimmyCinnabon

  1. I think his only shot is opening it up against Brooks. However I think that works out worse for him. We know what it looks like if he doesn’t open up. The problem is that opening it up is probably a recipe for disaster against Brooks. It isn’t that I think Trent isn’t elite either. He is. It’s just that Brooks is an insane talent and has been since high school. I remember when AB committed people legitimately thought he could be a 4x undefeated champ and while he did not accomplish that he has lived up to every bit of the hype he had as a recruit.
  2. That is true. This is the reason why I’m making my extremely bold and unlikely prediction today. I might add that everyone thought IMar was in the best position to win four undefeated titles as well. And while he did win his first two he did not win two while undefeated. I am making an extraordinarily bold claim but it does have a caveat of winning it this year while winning the B1G. My prediction is very unlikely to pass because I do not think Mesinbrink is ready to take down Carr/O’Toole but if he does then look out.
  3. Care to fill me in? I’m an idiot and often times need someone to spell it out for me. I have a smooth brain.
  4. Cael was asked about him earlier this season and what their level of recruitment was like. Cael admitted that if they thought he would be what he is now they would have thrown the kitchen sink at him to commit to PSU. He achieved Super Sayain level late and nobody saw it coming. And when it was clear he was capable of Ultra Instinct Cael nabbed him.
  5. MMW: If Mesinbrink wins a title this year he will be the only other guy to win four titles and go undefeated. It’s almost surely not going to happen with Carr and O’Toole in the weight class but if he does then book it.
  6. Are you trying to say that Trent Hidlay was robbed of an NCAA title against Aaron Brooks?
  7. He 100% has another year if he wants. And he will be back to wrestle it.
  8. I am not in debt. But if it makes you feel better the check is in the mail.
  9. I thought the most boring argument on here was the strength of Aaron Negao’s schedule this year and last. Multiple pages of those boring takes.
  10. He took the bet because he is a troll who does not post in good faith. At no point did he actually believe he would win. Everything he posts is in bad faith. That’s why people have a problem with him.
  11. He is certainly a handsome fella and the original Stat Boy.
  12. Wrestling is really hard and sometimes people lose, even the best.
  13. I watched the dual live, it wasn't a TD. Close but you know, hand grenades and stuff.
  14. You’re thinking of the other guy. Same name but he’s a troll. I post genuinely, except even in trolling the other JC.
  15. Kasak will almost surely take over 141lbs when BB leaves. They still have Braeden Davis and I have no idea why people are just writing him off. He has only lost one match so far and has looked very good to be honest. He is a true freshman. He wasn’t a bum recruit either. He was a 4x champ from a really good program in Michigan. Is LL a career 125lber? As a PSU fan I hope so but we don’t know if he’ll outgrow it. Dalton Perry could theoretically be 141lbs as well. It wouldn’t surprise me at all if Gibson is a starter and successful. A younger guy could also come in and beat him out as well. Cael is recruiting that well. In the end I would predict he does start.
  16. You’re thinking of the other guy. Why should I change my name when he’s the one who sucks?
  17. I didn’t know just how hard his recovery has been. It would be a real disappointment to not see him back on the mat and successful. Ohio State is not my team but I cannot help but to root for this guy to be successful.
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