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Everything posted by JimmyCinnabon

  1. And he wasn’t impressed with any of those finishes.
  2. You seem upset. Not to be confused with Davis getting upset as the #1 seed. You wanna talk about it?
  3. As a PSU fan I don’t have any interest in seeing interviews from either. I’m just glad they won.
  4. I’ll tell you what, this scrappy 9 seed is really making a name for himself this weekend.
  5. Wow. The Carr/O’Toole rivalry the last couple of years has been amazing. Two great dudes.
  6. Haines has ice in his veins. Dude just doesn’t quit.
  7. I am not nor have I ever been Hammerlock3. This is my only handle on this board. If I was Hammerlock3 I would be a far better person and a more knowledgeable message board poster but sadly I am just one of the JimmyCinnabons.
  8. I love Shane Sparks. I know he's is not everyone's cup of tea but the guy genuinely loves wrestling and it shows when he's working. I cannot criticize a guy with as much passion as Shane has. He is my favorite wrestling commentator.
  9. I know, that was my attempt at a joke. It wasn't a good joke but it was still an attempt, which is still more of an attempt than Lewan made offensively this weekend.
  10. I think Kerk had some weight issue and had trouble making weight today. Also Davison with the HUGE upset.
  11. The 174lb 9 seed has now beaten the 8 seed and 1 seed. Wow!
  12. The best thing that could have happened to Amine is a bloody nose in this match.
  13. I will let you in on a secret. If my guy wins it's great, if he loses he was hurt.
  14. Yeah. The trick to beating Shapiro is to concuss him. It's smooth sailing from then on. It's the one trick coaches don't want you to know.
  15. With Shapiro losing it looks like a Haines vs Shapiro final is unlikely unless something drastic happens.
  16. Man, Levi is wrestling the best I have ever seen. He majors Robb 8-0. He hasn't given up an offensive point so far and has two TF and a major. I am not sure Shapiro, if he makes it to the finals, has enough for him right now. He is my OW up until this point so far.
  17. I think this one goes to Vito. I don't think Fix can beat either Vito or Crookham, though. The veteran Vito is the exact kind of guy who I think wins when it counts the most even if he goes 1-2 all-time against Crookham.
  18. Beau Bartlett wins the OPW. Outstanding Possum Wrestler. Just when you think he's dead he cradles you.
  19. Stop the sandbagging. Your posts are an embarrassment to this name. Either post in earnest or leave. Actually, just ***ducking** leave.
  20. I have no idea what Tyler Kasak was doing in the third but it looked like someone removed his brain.
  21. Aaron Nagao just isn't good on his feet. He just has no neutral defense and is so limited on offense. He isn't going to hold the starting spot at PSU for long.
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