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Ban Basketball

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Everything posted by Ban Basketball

  1. I don't think you're right on that one, Columbio. The first paragraph says it all, and it ain't defamation. As the article later says, " also found liable for defamation. " What's that about eggakashun, Ziggy? LOL!
  2. I'm not an attorney, and nor do I play one in the classroom or on the internet, but is this not guilty of sexual abuse? https://apnews.com/article/trump-rape-carroll-trial-fe68259a4b98bb3947d42af9ec83d7db
  3. It is. When a "news" outlet reports false or mostly false information nearly 2/3rds of the time (an actual number) I buy nothing that comes from the 30 percenters.
  4. Baloney, top to bottom. Do you just parrot nonsense that people tell you to say?
  5. True. He drinks Bud and proclaims to be wiser.
  6. In another one of yis derned drunken rants again, isn't ya? Farewell, friends!
  7. Been for 28 years too, my man! I can believe that I am because it allows me to actually read facts, such as leftism was far more pronounced decades ago. Eggakashun done learned me that.
  8. How many drunken rants are you going to go into, threatening to cancel my culture but never do? Pull the trigger, ya drunken lout.
  9. No, leftists were FAR more left decades ago. That's documented. I've been one my whole life and I can't find many of us Communercicists today.
  10. Wealth distribution through rigging the tax system, or the endless amounts of handouts that you get as well? Today we're full on socialism? No, as I said, it was FAR more prevalent among us decades ago. Full scale war hungry? Who and when? Must be why we're out of Afghanerstan, eh?
  11. Really? What was incorrect about my last post, Doc Phil?
  12. Must be why he was VP for Obamer, selected Harris as his VP, issued an Executive Order to advance racial equity, and receives well over 90% of the Black vote, eh? Perhaps you'd view him positively if he had white power activists in his entourage, and invites white power groups over for dinner. Would that do it?
  13. Hating religion isn't just limited to left wing views. What turn for crazy town occurred? I've been a leftist for as long as I can remember and I've not really seen one solitary turn toward such a place. In fact, there used to be a lot more open Communists among our ranks decades ago compared to today. However, that assumes that Communist ideology is crazy.
  14. Translation: I like cancel culture! Gotta love them freedom loving 30 percenters, eh, friends? You, at least, gave me a quote that I'll go to my grave teaching: "there are no book bans. "
  15. It's not my job to tell others what I think they should refer to themselves as. THAT'S common sense, and in Minnesota, what we called respeck.
  16. Does the Iowa state tournament still not seed the rasslers? I always found that annoying.
  17. When a twice impeached, serial criminal, and convicted and admitted sex offender holds appeal, it may be time to review one's moral standing.
  18. There was actually a survey that tested that and the results for 30 percenters were VERY predictable.
  19. I think his being a leftist is a bit in doubt these days.
  20. Nothing better than not treating others with respeck and dignity, eh? Boy, that there Bill Maher is a perdy derned good soul!
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