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Ban Basketball

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Everything posted by Ban Basketball

  1. Any attorneys or legal professionals know at what pernt these actions become obstruction of justice? https://l.smartnews.com/p-fv2ut/L702OC
  2. Cancel culture is so heartwarming and PRECISE! https://www.cnn.com/2023/10/11/us/alabama-library-marie-louise-gay-reaj/index.html
  3. Perhaps, but the response should be proportinal. This fascist authoritarian is intent on wiping people held within gates off of the map.
  4. I wished that Blinken today would have put some conditions on this aid to the serial UN violating and war crime ridden country, Isreal today, as K.K. Nuttinbutayahoo stood next to him. One, no more bad mouthing our country when you go on "presidential" advisor HUD McVeigh Hannity's show. Two, get Americans out before you continue committing your war crimes. Three, stop now enough damage has been done. What a sick criminal authoritarian. Defund K.K. Nuttinbutayahoo!
  5. No, it's not the latest Rolling Stones or Ozzy Osbourne album coming out, but an inmate speaking in Florida yesterday. I'll take alleged "dementia" (it's not) over stark raving, drug addled madness ANY TIME, friends. https://l.smartnews.com/p-Nwsps/QOBHES
  6. I'm now concerned that our one party authoritarian rule legislature here in Iowa doesn't think that we have to continue to out-fascist Florida and Texas and cancel more culture.
  7. "There are no book bans."-Madam Bigbrog
  8. Did Scalise REALLY say that?! If so, I'd like documentation of that. That'll be useful material.
  9. Here's a way the thread will die. I know how Bob operates all too well, and he's set that magic number as the pernt will he will cancel my culture AGAIN and I'll be gone. So, vote against the facts, friends, as doing so will forever get my culture canceled. Mark mes words.
  10. Are the little green men in your salt shaker telling you this, Elon?
  11. Yeah, but it's plausible. Therefore, it's true.
  12. Gee, who would have guessed, but it looks like picking a Speaker is going to be yet another debacle for the Investigation Party of America. I love it!
  13. Other than nowhere, where did I defend Hammas, ma'am? I just pernted out that Israel, led by authoritarian, K.K. Nuttinbutayahoo is a serial UN violator and war crimes violater, and doing it once again.
  14. Self-correction: K.K. Nuttinbutayahoo is already committing war crimes. More barbaric ones will follow.
  15. Two bad choices, to be honest. Israel and K.K. Nuttinbutayahoo is a serial UN and war crimes violator, about to do it again in days.
  16. Not to toot my own horn, but I was calling him Hasdirt before we discovered his dirt.
  17. So many curious things going on. -Why do the 30 percenters express so much "outrage" against the Palestinians, yet none toward what Russia is doing to Ukraine? -Why do the 30 percenters think that middle eastern terrorism needs constant monitoring and infiltrating, but our very own homegrown version of it, which kills nth numbers more people on our soil should not be monitored and infiltrated? -Similarly, why are middle eastern acts of terrorism not seen as simple acts of trespassing and done with love in their heart, as they see homegrown terror as doing? Deep thoughts we've been pondering daily.
  18. Now that it's finished, some folks on here would be eating some crow, if they were genuinely interested in learning. Easy link again. https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/documentary/elon-musks-twitter-takeover/
  19. Watching at present. kind of ends any debate and/or dispute. https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/documentary/elon-musks-twitter-takeover/
  20. Add Liz Cheney, or even Willard Mitt Romney, UBER darlings of the "tea party," into the third party slot and I think this baby could be kissed goodbye.
  21. Looks as though Bobby K. II, newfound darling of the "tea party," is going independent. Surely, with the "tea party" love for him, some seen on here, you thirty percenters will be casting votes his way, eh?
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