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Ban Basketball

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Everything posted by Ban Basketball

  1. You absolutely live in an alternate reality. So, NONE of what he detailed above happened?
  2. I'd add another direct one: funding the Contra rebels in the 80's.
  3. Come to think of it, now that Gymmy J. has decided not to run, will his authoritarian executors threaten him now? Hmmm...
  4. It's a jalapeno ale, but this is derned tasty. Brewed in the Quad Cities.
  5. I believe that's three in a row whereby I truly cannot determine what you just said, and in which language that you tried to say it in, Stormfront.org Tell you what: give it a rest, ok? Stop obsessing SO derned much about me to the pernt of being so consumed that you don't even think straight. I'm not that important, nor am I anyone's enemy. Just move on, Stormfront.org.
  6. Ah, now THAT clears it up. Maybe I'm bandanas, but I sure don't obsess about people, constantly posting a follow-up to that one person, eh, Stormfront.org? Wowza!
  7. What concerns me is that Inmate #PO1135809 will also only get a sentence like that. The world needs that criminal to be behind bars, preventing Inmate from being to exact his revenge on all of us. Yikes!
  8. No. Yis all do that to yiselfs,ma'am. Kind of the equivalent of, " you can't make this up." Your own words dig yis grave, ma'am.
  9. What are you trying to say, and in which language are you trying to say it in? Starting to sound like our beloved owner at 10:00 PM. Wowza!
  10. First off, not my words, and, secondly, NO ONE said that the U.S. is the leading cause of terror. Perhaps now you cam see why I begged you to post it! Yis done did embarrassed yisself! LOL!!!!!!!!
  11. More reasons since 2015 to be proud to be a Republican. Like Iowa Sqwawker fans, they've done turned to eating their own, friends. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-67153625
  12. Had HOURS to compose myself, Under The Table Chef. As for you, that must be why you replied less than ten minutes later, eh? Begin countdown to invoking "professor" for confirmation...NOW!
  13. For starters, and as I perpetually have to remind our booze soaked, ranting owner: I'm not a professor by title, and nor do I refer to myself as one. Gee, doesn't sound like confurmation to me. I wasn't nasty with you last night, so your out of the blue comments weren't needed. So, is you still trying to save face from my other moments where I done did humiliate yis? Or, maybe it's what I'm going to say below? Now that you want to play that way, your continual "confirmation" claim pairs very revealingly with the numbers of times you have to mock me as an eggakatur. Is it YOU who indeed needs to confirm that you're competent enough on here? It looks an awful lot like we used to call in Minnesota, "Little man's disease. " Feel inferior, and overcompensate by endlessly referring to the thing that makes you feel that way. I'll say this much: at least I do my work legitimately and within the law.
  14. Thanks for the clarification! All is crystal clear now.
  15. Haven't followed. I'm probably better off because of it.
  16. What is the video? I didn't see that. I understand if you don't want to interact with me, so no hard feelings if you don't share.
  17. No, because it's revealed above. However, have at. Watch this, friends. This will be good, because one of us has a memory.
  18. "America is the leading cause of terror."- Drunken Lout Who Just Claimed That I Said That. LOL!!!!!
  19. Who said that, other than you? Who here teaches teenagers?
  20. It's in my first paragraph. I directly remember Slumlord Robinson making that statement somewhere and I proceeded to criticize him on a wrestling forum. Of course, because it was me, I was a lone wolf arguing against a whole forum of sexists and mysoginists. Yes, that seems strange today, as we've come to realize, as I said then, that women's wrestling would help men's wrestling. People didn't see it that way then, like Slumlord Robinson. As further evidence, I recall when women's wrestling was unveiled at the National Duals here in Cedar Falls. I was sitting among Minnesota fans who laughed and mocked it like clowns were coming onto mats. No documentation, but my eyes and good memory recalls everything that I just wrote. Just like I recall him being a slumlord. I'd testify to it.
  21. And it'll ESPECIALLY be ok to be white when that happens, eh, Stormfront.org?
  22. Both are actually Ioway products. Der Music Man
  23. Cis Gender Is A Pronoun is correct on this one. My new favorite show.
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