For starters, and as I perpetually have to remind our booze soaked, ranting owner: I'm not a professor by title, and nor do I refer to myself as one. Gee, doesn't sound like confurmation to me.
I wasn't nasty with you last night, so your out of the blue comments weren't needed. So, is you still trying to save face from my other moments where I done did humiliate yis? Or, maybe it's what I'm going to say below?
Now that you want to play that way, your continual "confirmation" claim pairs very revealingly with the numbers of times you have to mock me as an eggakatur. Is it YOU who indeed needs to confirm that you're competent enough on here?
It looks an awful lot like we used to call in Minnesota, "Little man's disease. " Feel inferior, and overcompensate by endlessly referring to the thing that makes you feel that way.
I'll say this much: at least I do my work legitimately and within the law.