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Ban Basketball

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Everything posted by Ban Basketball

  1. Nope, I didn't know about it, and there's a reason for that. The factcheck link that I posted gave all of the proper context that I needed.
  2. What a criminal weasel. One of the world's most despicable.
  3. Simple support of Inmate #PO1135809 excuses all of his criminal, sexual, and all other behaviors.
  4. That'd still be good teaching to me, but, yes, perhaps that sentence could have been removed. The rest is great.
  5. You found that depiction of sexual harassment objectionable!? Depending on the kid's age, me's calls that derned good teaching. It uses a horrific example to illustrate.
  6. What's that about idiotic and nonsensical, ma'am? I'll let me friends on here enjoy the irony of your observation.
  7. Got ya, ma'am. Let sleeping dogs lie, as I do to you, and you won't get yisself worked into a tizzy, ma'am.
  8. Anyone have any of these experiences with your kids in their schools? I'd really like to know.
  9. Every single time I do that. Never an exception. Hope all is well at home, ma'am.
  10. Thanks. Your words match my feelings. It may surprise others on here but I genuinely harbor no ill feelings or dislikes for anyone on here. Regarding the "biggest D" comment, my wife already verified that I got you there.
  11. I ask it several times throughout a semester: if you're opposed to groups who oppose fascism and authoritarianism, are you then Profa? You'd have to be.
  12. What you said. Who could imagine being anti-fascist, eh? Isn't everyone?
  13. Genuine question, as it never happened to either of my sons' twelve years of public eggakashun. Did any of you have such content that is talked about within this brilliant "discussion" presented to your kids? I'll then proceed from there.
  14. You must be really conflicted. I genuinely am interested in who folks like you back in these cases.
  15. This "debate" is over big gubment canceling of culture, friends. Did you ever dream that would happen in a land that allows for speech? Here's a simple fix to those scared of words: exercise your school choice rights and if you're SSI fearful of what kids learn, take them out of that school and either home school them ( there will be dinner well rounded folks, eh friends) or send them to a private school, which we'll also likely have content that will scare you. Only solution for cancel culturists is home school. Perfectly shielded yut!
  16. They don't. Care to tell me which school district allows those with no training in eggakashun to write and determine curriculums, other than nowhere?
  17. That he's a paranoid weirdo who wasn't being censored by any gubment body. Gymmy J. couldnt answer that when probed, couldn't he? Yet, everyone was crying foul when none if it was haponin. Ironically, the only one censiring was Musk.
  18. No, parents get no say in curriculums or content, unless they're trained eggakaturs. Back off, terrorists!
  19. He was fired, ma'am. What more should have happened?
  20. Horrible to think that someone would be opposed to facism, eh, friends!?
  21. Never dreamed that it'd see a day where 30% of authoritarians among us would so openly endorse and defend book bans.
  22. I know. Why, heck, all they did was use Musk's own words and tweets to present the documentary. Being that you clearly saw it, what did you find in error, other than nothing?
  23. Absolute madman. Chris Christie recently said how mad inmate will be driven during his criminal trials. Will likely be given gag orders, will have to sit in court everyday listening to people testify against him, with no ability to retaliate! We are going to see a madman splitting at the seams!
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