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Everything posted by Wrestleknownothing

  1. It was. The 2022 class along with the 2019 class were ranked #1 on Willie's Big Board.
  2. The wild thing is Sasso and Mendez were not even part of either of those two #1 rated recruiting classes. So you have Sasso, Mendez, AND two #1 rated classes. The Sasso situation is the most damaging. With him they are 10-13 points higher, a d in a podium spot.
  3. They have two #1 ranked recruiting classes competing this year, yet they are projected to finish eleventh. Perhaps after this tournament their projected finish will improve, but eleventh is rough given their recruiting.
  4. It might also be worse. But, I think it is safe to say Musk is pursuing a bad strategy. It seems to illustrate the fallacy of thinking expertise in one domain translates to all domains. It cannot be denied that Musk has shown a genius for guiding engineers. Tesla and SpaceX are spectacular achievements, but boy is he shitting the bed with Twitter.
  5. I am pro-Pyles, though I love that Sonnen calls him Pyle.
  6. I am reminded of the expession, hope is not a strategy.
  7. That statement always seemed wrong to me, but I couldn't put my finger on it. Then it hit me, duh. Musk doesn't know the definition of blackmail. This situation is the opposite of blackmail. The classical blackmail framework is: 1. I find out something that will embarass you, 2. I threaten to reveal this information publicly, 3. Unless YOU pay ME money. This framework is: 1. I am buying a service from you, 2. You reveal something embarassing about yourself, 3. I stop paying YOU money. Do you see how those are different things? Apparently, Musk does not.
  8. More importantly, I am very upset that I have to be at a surprise 60th birthday party right when the fastest 1500 heats are starting.
  9. One thing I noticed watching is because this is the end of an Olympic cycle a lot of the top swimmers are training hard through this meet, so they are well off their best times, as expected. Swimmers that do not expect to make the Olympic team might taper for this event, so you get some results that do not match seeds (based on best times). But as for this guys methods, I am confused. Why is he multiplying every other pair by -1? Got me. So I am not really sure what he is showing.
  10. @jross Why is Bill Ackman wrong in his informed opinion? X is treated unfairly and inconsistently by advertisers That is impossible to say. No other company has Musk doing what Musk is doing. Advertisers are responding to his actions, not the other way around. Musk is targeted because the other media organizations view X as a competitor and controversies increase clicks/revenue If the current version of Twitter.com is a competitor, so was the old version of Twitter.com. Little has changed in that respect save for one minor element. Musk. The Disney(s) cave to public pressure in a way that is not in their best interest How do you measure this? They are clearly acting in what they believe to be their own best interests as fiduciaries for the investors. But the definition of that has certainly changed over time. It used to only be about profits (except in extreme cases), but now there are "other stakeholders" to consider. That is a whole other topic. But how do you measure their best interest to determine they are not acting in it. In Musk's case he does not appear to be acting in his own best interest. He hired a CEO specifically charged with getting advertisers back, and one with a background in advertising at one of his target clients, then he goes out of his way to make her job impossible. Musk did not have antisemitic intent when he responded with the ‘actual truth’ tweet I do not know his intent, nor do you I suspect. I do know the impact of his amplification of anti-Semitic messages. It also seems like this is a very predictable outcome. But Musk is nothing if not impulsive when it comes to his Tweeting. It is the reason he has had to apologize for it so many times. Musk is correct in saying that Jews should rethink support for organizations that seek their elimination. I do not know what you are saying here. Earth is fortunate that X is owned by an individual that is largely insulated from financial and other influence. I thoroughly enjoy that Musk bought Twitter. The entertainment value for me is very high. The earth being fortunate seems a bit bombastic. And by a bit I mean a lot.
  11. At 6k+ and 12k+ songs are you letting the algorithm decide or are you choosing that many songs yourself? I have created a favorites playlist that is 80 hours long, but that probably limits my song count severely.
  12. Got my Spotify Wrapped yesterday. What do our listening habits say about us? I will let you decide. 703 Artists 2,781 Songs (~4 songs per artist) 42,675 Minutes (~ 30 days, or ~ 2 hours per day) Top Artist: The Replacements Who else wants to share?
  13. I mean current shateholders. Musk, Fidelity, Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, Jack Dorsey, Larry Ellison, and perhaps others.
  14. Twitter shareholders may be bigger losers.
  15. The record is still my man, Frank Altman, who I have mentioned before. https://www.legacy.com/us/obituaries/globegazette/name/frank-altman-obituary?id=22752672 AAed in 1950 and again in 1958 after serving in the Air Force.
  16. As I am cleaning up the All-American database I keep finding interesting things. At least I think they are interesting. And I think @ILLINIWrestlingBlog and @IlliniWrestling will find this one interesting. When going through the three time All-Americans list I came across Illinois' Lou Kachiroubas. What caught my eye was there was a seven year spread between his first and last AA. After Lou finished high school he worked to save money and then served in World War II. He finally entered UofI in 1946 at the tender age of 28 and immediately took second at 128 pounds. He repeated the feat in 1947 before dropping out of school, first to take a shot at the 1948 Olympics, and then to earn more money (could have used a little NIL, I am thinking). He finally returned to UofI in 1951 and in 1952, at 34 years young, he took third at 123 pounds. While he did not wrestle in the 1953 NCAA tournament, Lou did finish fourth in the Big 10 tournament at 35 freakin' years old. So when you feel a need to complain about grey shirt, red shirt, Olympic red shirt, Covid and injury years, just think of Sweet Lou Kachiroubas, and stop your belly aching. https://iwcoa.net/hall-of-fame-2/lou-kachiroubas/
  17. Musk's current situation is another argument for Twitter going public. As a private company, that he owns primarily, but not solely, the only way to value it is on revenue, growth, and profitability. This is why every institutional investor has written down their investments and why his lenders cannot securitize his loans and have had to write them down at significant loses, too. But as a public company its stock trades for whatever price it trades for. It can be as divorced from profitability as you want and still be valuable. In the current age of meme stocks bankrupt companies can raise money by selling worthless stock (while stating prominently that it is worthless, hello, Bed Bath and Beyond), video game stores can claim to be reinventing the world. All is possible. You just need to be a meme. And no one has ever done that better than Elon Musk.
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