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Everything posted by Wrestleknownothing

  1. Eierman's knee injury cost him in his quest for 32. He only got 28 in his 5 years.
  2. That looks like what I think you are describing. There were four championship pigtails, one for each group of 8, that led to four consolation pigtails.
  3. Well, now, that depends. Do you still think your Target gift card is currency?
  4. You can sell it (usually for a stablecoin which you can then convert to dollars).
  5. You must be compressing other peoples' statements with mine. I have no such rhetoric. I have repeatedly stated why crypto can work, and some of the pro-crypto arguments, while in no way endorsing crypto. There is a lot about crypto that I find very interesting, but there is also so much crap. It is a heavy lift to seperate the wheat from the chaffe. But instead of doing the work most people get FOMO fever, which has a bad habit of burning people. I have found your take to be reasonable. You essentially say it may not work for everyone, but it works for me. Then there is the Askren take. He basically espouses the "get long and get loud" philosophy. I view this as a viable, if irresponsible and very cycical, strategy for crypto.
  6. Added your scores for clarity. With ASU missing Teemer, Missouri has to be favored in 6 of 10, so yeah.
  7. What a wild take given the original case for crypto involved freedom from regulation. Alas crypto is just re-learning all things that have already been learned in traditional finance, but doing it at hyper-speed.
  8. That would be mighty impressive. Unless he is a 32/33 seed he gets no pigtails to fatten up the total with.
  9. Nice pull with John Fisher. I have him at 29 matches (8,7,8,6)
  10. Nor did I take it as a criticism. I always appreciate your historical knowledge.
  11. Just looked at Earl McCready because I knew he wrestled a very small number of matches to win his three titles. He dethrones Ross Flood with 9.571 per match. Having scored 67 points in only 7 matches (yep 2 matches in 1928, 3 matches in 1929, and 2 matches in 1930).
  12. And Ross Flood shall lead them all. When it comes to scoring team points at the NCAA tournament Ross Flood average a cool 7.2 per match (combined placement, advancement and bonus). Looking at points scored per match using today's match scoring rules really favors earlier generations as 6 of the top 10 (and all of the top 5) started their careers prior to 1956. Part of the problem with this method is that it assume 16 points for first place even when the bracket is 16, or 8 or 3 wrestlers (yes, there are 3 wrestler brackets). But under today's tournament rules, if you only award to four places, for example, a win is only worth 10. Another caveat is that I have only done this calc for the top 32 per tournament scorers so far, as it is very tedious to gather the wrestler by wrestler data. If I get bored again, I will do some more.
  13. It is wild that he did that without wrestling a pigtail. Nice.
  14. While there are many token projects whose explicit business model is "haha, let's run a pyramid scheme", I do not think Rokfin qualifies as one because it has an actual business with actual customers who pay actual money. The Dynamic value piece is really just a different model for divvying up the revenue and maintaining ownership of content.
  15. I was looking to re-calc my NCAA all-time leading scorers to do it on a per match basis. I noticed that from 1981-1984 Jim Zalesky wrestled 23 NCAA tournament matches (6,5,6,6). That is the most I have seen so far, but I am only looking at the list of high scorers which generally means that you have won some titles. It occurs to me that the max number of matches it was possible to win would have been 32 (8 per year). This was possible from the mid-1980's to the mid-1990's when there were both full wrestlebacks and more than 32 wrestlers in many brackets. To wrestle 32 matches you would need to place in the 3-8 range and be in a championship pigtail match every year. So my question is, has anyone wrestled more than Zalesky's 23 NCAA tournament matches?
  16. Ok, I will be even more explicit. Rokfin pays in RAE for the same reason that companies sometimes pay their employees in company stock, it is a cost effective and tax efficient way for Rokfin to fund its operations. Yes, it is a risky way to receive your compensation, but clearly some are ok with the risk.
  17. Nope, nope, nope, nope. The cash that was given to Target is currency. The gift card is not. The cash you give your bank is currency. Your ATM, debit, and credit cards are not.
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