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Everything posted by Wrestleknownothing

  1. Did they check the knife for finger prints? Was it the same one Gaetz used to stab McCarthy in the back?
  2. You are sure. You are just not sure of what you are sure of. Pelosi changed the rule in the opposite direction. She made it so it took a majority of either party. This really is not that hard to look up. Try that rather than entrenching yourself in wrong. As to your second point. It is not my idea of democracy. And yes it is very odd. Actually let me upgrade that. It is deplorable that many Republicans who voted on the floor for someone other than Jordan recieved death threats for their efforts. MAGA has a stratgey. Divide, scare the populace, and hope to personally profit from the ensuing chaos. While it has been a successful strategy to gain power for a few, it is not a successful strategy for leading a country.
  3. You sure about that? "After suffering yet another stinging defeat on Wednesday, in which he lost a sixth round of voting for House speaker, Kevin McCarthy proposed more key concessions in his push to get 218 votes – including agreeing to propose a rules change that would allow just one member to call for a vote to oust a sitting speaker" Jordan had 200 on the floor, where intimidation is an effective tactic. The Republican Party is now eating its own. And it is a MAGA issue. They are like a dog chasing a car. Once they catch it, they don't know what to do with it. If the public truly were behind MAGA's methods they would perform better in general elections. Instead under Donald Trump Republicans lost the House, lost the Senate, and lost the White House. That speaks volumes about what the people do want. Yes, to balanced budgets. No, to MAGA.
  4. What is not historic is the concession to allow one person to call for the vote. As a matter of fact it is unprecedented. It had never happened before. And one person did call for the vote. Gaetz. Just Gaetz. Not voting for Jordan isn't a hissy fit at all. 112 Republicans did not want him as their Speaker. Only 20 - 25 had the courage to say so publicly. 112 > 1. That is democracy. 1 is not democracy.
  5. And to add insult to injury that gubernatorial race is why Ken Griffin moved himself and Citadel out of Illinois, depriving the state of significant taxable income. He was Irvin's primary backer.
  6. You are conveniently ignoring what I said. It was the concession to allow a single rep to call for a vote to vacate that was his undoing. It put the minority in charge. And like petulant children, when the Freedom Caucus found they had to compromise for progress to be made, they stomped their feet and threw a hissy fit. And when it blew up in their face, they tried to blame everyone else. This is all on MAGA. No one else.
  7. The fault McCarthy has is that he wasn't strong enough to stand up to the Freedom Caucus in his first run for Speaker. It was always going to end this way once he agreed to the one rep recall vote.
  8. That is the problem with the current Republican party. To win its nomination you must bow and kiss the MAGA ring. But doing so loses them the general election. We even saw Democrats leverage this strategy in local elections in the last cycle. In Illinois JB Pritzker, the Democrat governor, paid for ads supporting the ultra-MAGA candidate, Darren Bailey, in the Republican primary so that he could avoid running against moderate Republican Bruce Irvin. And it worked beautifully for Pritzker, who defeated Bailey comfortably. MAGA loves its pyrrhic victories. Gaetz got his victory and it is costing his party dearly.
  9. Don't wait for us, MTG, you go ahead.
  10. It was NOT msu. What makes you THINK it would be him?
  11. Nope. They don't wrestle for Iowa in a redshirt season.
  12. Won't go there, but if I set the O/u for total number of seasons they wrestle for Iowa at 4.5, where would you be?
  13. For my voyeuristic benefit, please post that over there too.
  14. Interesting idea over on HR. With two of the Ferrari brothers committed to Iowa (Anthony this year and Angelo next year) and AJ reported by one of their posters to be in the room on occassion, one of them has set the over/under for Ferrari family individual titles at Iowa at 4.5. I am on the under. I think Anthony gets zero. I think Angelo has a shot at two or three. That means AJ would have to contribute three or two of his own. For the well known variety of reasons I do not see that happening. In un-surprising news, many on HR are taking the over. And hilariously, one poster shows he doesn't know how over/under working by aaking how you can have a half title.
  15. Double woof. Salon is reporting it was actually 122 against. Reminds me of the old SNL news bit. This just in. Generalisimo Francisco Franco is still dead.
  16. Final not-so-secret secret ballot was 86 yes, 112 no. What a bunch of panzies. Vote one way in public and another way behind closed doors (said the anonymous guy on the internet).
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